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All were silent as Eva entered and spoke. All were interested in what she was going to do and Callum. The highlander was outraged that the young woman dared to go against him.

However, he felt something else within him. He was also a bit thrilled that Eva continued to fight against him. He always enjoyed a challenge.

Fendus stood from his seat. "Callum, my friend, we should not let this beautiful lass become a slave. It is a waste. Never in my years have I seen such a delicate beauty! Where on earth did ye find her?"

Callum rolled his eyes. "Tis best that we do not waste more breath for this woman. I just found her during my journey back home." He then eyed the men in attendance. "For now, we celebrate!"

The men in the room cheered, and many female servants entered with more food and alcohol. Some musicians began to play, bringing more life to the occupants. Eva stood the two men, and Callum crossed his arms. "Why are ye still standing there, slave? Ye should be assisting the others in serving."

Eva also crossed her arms. "I'm sorry, were you talking to me? I don't know of a person named slave."

Fendus took a glance at Callum and then at Eva. He felt the tension between them; it amused him so. "May I have yer name again?"


"Aye, I am Fendus. Ye have quite a tongue on ye! I never heard a lass speak  in such a manner."

"I may be a woman, but I a human being; no one should be treated with disrespect. I know you both are kings, but as leaders, one should hold love, care, and respect for their people, for the people are the true power since they can assist you to be in power, and they can easily take it away. Remember, the people are many and can easily dispose of the powerful since they are few."

Fendus raised an eyebrow while Callum sat silently. For Fendus, he was in awe of Eva's intelligence, while Callum was annoyed.

"May I have a dance with ye? I wish to know more of ye!"

"Oh, I uh..."

Fendus walked towards her and got a hold of her right hand. "Come now. It will not hurt. I will go slow if ye need me to. What do ye say?"

Eva nodded, and they both went to the dance floor.

The two held one another's hands and made turns and swirls. They would then dance separately and would connect once again. Eva smiled and laughed at how much she had fun. She remembered the many festivals she went to and danced to similar music. The young woman felt that Fendus was such fun to be with.

She twirled her dress and danced in her way.

Many watched as she danced. Fendus even stopped to watch. She moved her hips and legs in so many directions very quickly. Her hair flowed and twirled. It made her look majestic.

When the music ended, so did her dancing.

Many cheered for her, and she blushed. Fendus went to her as he clapped. Lucas, who sat afar, clapped slowly as he watched Fendus close to Eva, which irked him. As for Callum, he just sat silently. Things were not going the way he wanted. The highlander didn't think that Eva had much more of a fight in her. Lucas warned him that there was more to Eva than she led him to believe. In his view, there was another problem, Fendus.

Fendus was known to be a brave and ruthless highlander, but he was more just and understanding to the common people. Callum noticed how Eva sparked Fendus' interest; it will lead to more problems if that's true. "That cursed lass."

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