𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 🩸

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Song:little dark age/By:MGMT

Dear diary volume 𝟮 we stand here shocked to see Steve and Mike drops his bags he hugs him "Steve your hands what-" Mike asks but Steve interrupts "look it's a long story but I need taking this blood off before people see and become suspicious" "right right" Olivia says

in the bathroom Mike is helping Steve wash the blood off and looks at the mirror seeing Steve "you know we're not gonna let go why you have blood on your hands right ?" Mike says "I know you just have to be patient" "right because that works so well with us"

Steve chuckles a little "I'm not surprised Johnny ain't helping out" Steve says "well if you knew Johnny you would know he hates blood" "right...my bad guess it's been to long" "what happened to you man ?" "Nothing okay" "I don't think it was nothing" "just leave it"

"how can I Steve you we're gone for a year no contact nothing and now you come back telling us Marchie is back and have fucken blood on your hands cmon Steve and least of all you know we didn't want this now you bringing us back-" "I know ! He puts his hands on the sink looking down "I know...I'm sorry okay but I can't I...I can't face her,without you" Mike looks at Steve intensely "without Um all of you" Steve says "right...you know what I think it's clean enough we should go to the others..."

mike says and wipes the little tears from his eye lids he leaves and Steve sighs

They come out seeing Johnny chase tony and Olivia taking pictures Mike smiles and goes to Olivia bringing his arms out "no no Mike don't you don't yo-" she runs away laughing and Mike chases her
Steve frowns and goes to a picture of him and marchie "I know it's not what you wanted but it's what happened" tony says beside Steve "it shouldn't have..." "how did you know she's back" "I will tell you everything later" he walks away "Steve..." he stops "cmon man it's us we're your friends you can't keep us in the dark like this because remember you reached out to us you want our help..." "I know..I'm sorry"

he walks away and Jonny catches tony "his still distant ?" "I'm not surprised" tony sighs "well let's go Green vil awaits"

Their in the plane and Olivia is texting Todd and sitting next to tony Johnny is staring at her sitting next to Mike who rolls his eyes Steve is sitting alone tony is looking out into the distance.

marchie,I thought about her everyday I was,am like Steve the only difference is that I seek company he thinks it's better to be alone I can't see marchie.a part of me wants to,a part of me thinks she can change not for me but for her mom and Steve and deep down I wouldn't be surprised if he chose marchie any day over us I mean it's his sister if amity was here I would to

"Stop staring" Mike says "huh w-what ?" Jonny says looking at Mike now Mike looks at him with knowing eyes "I was just- I don't know man" "she moved on Johnny tony told me about some ass hole named Todd but it's Olivia's ass hole and I think she's pretty much content with him" "you think ? plus tony said that she misses me look I know you don't have hope for whatever reason that is but I do and maybe you should too even if it's just a little "

Mike looks at Steve "yeah maybe your right.." "hey is Johnny looking at me ?" Olivia asks tony while looking in her small mirror tony bends over and looks and sees Johnny "why do you want to know ?" Tony asks with her arm over the seat and she's smirking "you know,precautions"
"Oh precaution ?" "Yes" tony chuckles "okay yeah his basically drooling at you" "eww well at least Todd doesn't drool" "which part the sex or the sleeping in our house part ?" "Tones I thought I thought we talked for about this"

"We did and I realised his a pig" "well a handsome pig" "look the second we fly back to London his gotta go" "whatever"

It's the night and everyone on the plane is sleeping Steve wakes up and heads to the bathroom he sighs and washes his hands then his face and when he opens his eyes he sees marchie behind him grinning and turns around quickly he sees no one he sighs and covers his face with his hands "fuck marchie why did you do it ?" He wipes his face and sees Mike in his seat he smiles softly and sits next to him Mike puts his head on his shoulder Steve gets surprised and smiles a little and sleeps on mikes head

Tony wakes up and sees Olivia is not there "good morning dear passengers you will arrive to green vill in just 10 minutes so get ready" the women on a intercom says she walks to the bathroom rubbing her eyes she opens to the door "Olive ?" "In here !" Olivia shouts tony walks to the other bathroom and sees Olivia putting on mascara "I don't know why you even bother with those things you're naturally beautiful anyways"
"Thanks tones but massacre is my life"" tony rolls her eyes "well anyways we're going in 10 minutes so don't mess that mascara" tony leaves and Olivia smiles applying lipstick

"Hey tony where's Olivia ?" Johnny asks concerned tony sits and puts her hands over her head relaxing "don't worry lover boy she's coming just doing her make up" "why ? She's naturally beautiful" "that's what I'm saying !" Tony says sitting straight

Olivia came and They arrive "hope you had a wonderful flight passengers please have a good time at green vill the most amazing town" "bullshit" Mike says laughing " I don't think they know that" Steve says they take there suitcases and look at the town tony is frozen "tony are you okay ?" Olivia asks worried she unfreezes and looks at the concerned Olivia "yeah why ?" "You're crying" Johnny says "j-just a lot of memories"

"Right so our hotel rooms are just-" people put bags over their heads and Olivia screams then they take it off everyone's hair messy then someone lifts Tony's chin "welcome back miss tony Grace" tony,s eyes widen as she sees Blanc "to this damn town" /song ends/blackout

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