Chapter 6: Invincible

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The worst thing about having a crush on Oikawa, Shouyou decides, isn't Kunimi and Kindaichi's endless teasing or Matsukawa and Hanamaki snickering whenever he goes within five feet of Oikawa or even Oikawa when he teases him and touches his shoulder and lets it linger there one too many times for it to be entirely platonic.

Unsurprisingly, it's Oikawa's fan club- the same one Kindaichi and Kunimi had warned him about when they had first learned of Shouyou's crush on Oikawa.

From obstructing Shouyou's view of Oikawa in the hallway the rare couple of times he would wander to the first years' floor, to mobbing Oikawa during lunch if he left his classroom, 3-6- which Shouyou had learned the hard way after visiting the third years' floor earlier that day in an attempt to spend lunch with Oikawa after their last one had been interrupted- and no, despite what Kunimi said, he most certainly did not pout the rest of the lunch period.

The Oikawa fan club was, unfortunately, almost entirely composed of girls and the only thing worse than their crushes on Oikawa (which Shouyou couldn't really blame them for- it only took one look at Oikawa as he performed his jump serve to fall in love), was how intense they were in their admiration.

After practice had officially ended, rather than stay behind to practice as long as he could, Shouyou had instead immediately sprinted towards the changing room and then left as soon as he came. He'd decided to wait outside the gym, but, terrifyingly enough, there were at least a dozen girls peering through the door as he slipped past them.

Finally, the door slams open, the girls all having jumped back, one of the girls' elbows bumping into Shouyou hard without even a single glance backwards, and he has to grit his teeth to not let out an embarrassing yelp from the flash of pain in his chest.

Still, it's not the worst injury he's ever gotten, thanks to volleyball- Shouyou grumbles regardless under his breath, well aware he's probably pouting as Oikawa somehow spots him, even through the haze of teenage girls.

"Hina-chan!" Oikawa calls out, with a dazzling smile.

Shouyou wonders if it's too late to find another crush.

One at least a fraction less embarrassing, hopefully. One that won't do things like feed him sandwiches or call him embarrassing nicknames in public when he knows Shouyou will blush and that people will see and judge-

All too soon, the Oikawa fanclub finally realizes Oikawa is calling out to him, and they all fall away, a path carved for Oikawa as he walks over to Shouyou, completely unaware or uncaring of their presence, gaze only on Shouyou.

"Oikawa-senpai," Shouyou whispers, tone as harsh as he can make it, and tugs at his blazer to try to go and walk away, only for Oikawa to blink before a wicked smirk crosses his face and he taps his chin.

"You know what I think, Hina-chan?" Oikawa asks, far too pleasantly. "I think you might get lost on the way to the ramen restaurant."

Despite the annoyance that twitches from Oikawa's smug tone and the embarrassment stirring in his stomach, Shouyou won't lie, won't act like his hand doesn't feel right in Oikawa's hand- like that was where it was meant to be.

Just as he interlocks his fingers with Oikawa's, Shouyou's gaze catches on one of Oikawa's fanclub members and he remembers that right, they're in public-

Wait, did Oikawa know that? Of course Oikawa knows, but did he know?

Oikawa probably only saw him as a friend and didn't realize people would think they were a couple even though they weren't (even if Shouyou wanted, wished that they were) and Shouyou was taking advantage of his poor, overly kind and trusting senpai and-

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