Chapter 20: All That Remains

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Before Shouyou can even settle into his new normal, it's Friday after school and volleyball practice has already begun to transition into the last half hour of paired practice, Tooru having gathered the club members up to discuss a seemingly important matter.

Shouyou glances at his phone again before he can stop himself- he's already gotten his response, so he knows he doesn't have to keep checking on it, and yet...

Just an hour or so is all that's left- all that remains.

Akira is, annoyingly enough, using Shouyou's head as a place to rest his allegedly weary and exhausted arms. When Shouyou casts Kindaichi a pleading glance, he just muffles a snort and turns away with an innocent smile. Bastard.

Then, Tooru is speaking, something about an upcoming game, drowned out by the spark of passion behind his eyes and the infuriatingly handsome smirk on his face-

"Upcoming game!" Shouyou blurts out in an echo, and shrinks a little into himself when the rest of the volleyball club stares- even so, adrenaline is thrumming in his veins, chanting volleyball, volleyball, volleyball.

Luckily, Tooru is already used to him and just nods, a bit of fondness seeping through his tone before he continues, "Heh, that's right, Shou-chan! Our first game will be in three or so weeks and we're going to have to be prepared."

The upperclassmen all straighten up at that, the atmosphere cooling, a stark contrast to how relaxed they had been just seconds prior- they all seem to know exactly what their captain is implying, even if Shouyou (and Akira and Kindaichi, given by how they both shrug when he glances at them) has absolutely no clue why everyone's smiles dropped.

Tooru's gaze catches on his, and within an instant, recognition sets in.

"Last year," he says, "we lost to Shiratorizawa in the final round."

"How?" Shouyou asks before he can even register Akira elbowing him sharply, and by then, it's far too late- Tooru's face has already darkened, and so, Shouyou scrambles to fix his words, "It's just- you're all amazing- I didn't mean-"

"Hinata," Iwaizumi interrupts from beside him, settling a comforting hand on his shoulder with a small smile. "It's fine. Right, Stupidkawa?"

Tooru waves him off. "Yes, yes, Iwa-chan!"

Then, Tooru glances away from the team, towards something far off in the distance- when Shouyou cranes his head around to see if there's a squirrel climbing on the window that's caught Tooru's attention, he sees absolutely nothing instead.

"They have Ushijima," Tooru says simply, and something in Shouyou aches- the certainty in Tooru's voice is painfully similar.

Shouyou scrunches his face up. "But we have you!"

At that, Tooru freezes, before he forces a small laugh. "That's sweet, Shou-chan, but-"

"He's right, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi cuts him off with a stern glare. "We can win," he says, and for a moment, Shouyou can see the certainty on Tooru's face waver, "we just have to prove we're the stronger team of six."

After a brief moment, Tooru sighs. "You've both got me there, Iwa-chan, Shou-chan... Speaking of the team of six, our starting lineup!"

Oh, Shouyou thinks, and suddenly, he's grateful for Akira's shoulder pressing into his- he isn't alone.

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