Chapter 7: When the Day Had Begun

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When the day had begun, Shouyou had been excited, ecstatic even- and when he met up with Oikawa to walk to school together, he was nearly vibrating with excitement (along with a fair bit of anxiety) as they neared the school.

"My friends, Shimashima and Yamaguchi, are on the Karasuno team!" Shouyou tells Oikawa and grins at his boyfriend's flabbergasted expression.

"It's only been a few weeks and you've already befriended the enemy," Oikawa says instead, sighing, but walking Shouyou to his classroom regardless (which he had insisted on doing as much as he could- as his "duty" as Shouyou's boyfriend). "Can you at least promise me you won't do this with every team?"

"Hmm," Shouyou pretends to contemplate before sticking his tongue out, unable to hold back his laugh at Oikawa's overly dramatic, all-suffering look. "Nope!"

Oikawa gives him a stern look but it crumbles after mere seconds. "You're gonna kill me, Shou-chan," he whines.

"I would never kill you!" Shouyou insists, and then, "Maybe."

At Oikawa's offended squawks, Shouyou holds back a laugh and instead, tugs Oikawa down and stands on his tip toes to press his lips against Oikawa's forehead in a gentle kiss and only hopes it can convey that despite the teasing, his feelings for him aren't any less true.

Luckily, Oikawa perks right back up with a pleased little smile, so it seems the message was received- with that, Shouyou pushes him away, knowing if he didn't, Oikawa would almost definitely ignore how they were in public and just kiss him.

And as much as Shouyou would like to pretend he wouldn't melt right back into the kiss and forget where they were, he knows himself well enough to know that was exactly what he would do.

Right as they arrive in front of his classroom, Shouyou withdraws his hand and before Oikawa can complain, wraps his arms around his boyfriend, who eagerly returns the hug, and Shouyou lets himself forget everything else for just one moment, safe within Oikawa's arms, warm and steady.

Just as Shouyou grows comfortable, he forces himself to pull away and pats Oikawa when his hands linger on Shouyou's waist, even as the stares of classmates make his stomach sink, make Oikawa's hands feel like they're burning instead.

"I'll see you during lunch?" Shouyou asks, unsure, and breathes a small sigh of relief when Oikawa nods without a single moment of hesitation.

"Of course!" Then, Oikawa pouts. "I don't know if I'll survive until then without my precious Shou-chan-"

Then, with all the strength and force of a tsunami's colossal wave as it crashes onto shore, Iwaizumi arrives, and with a great shove, pushes Oikawa away mid-complaint.

"Shittykawa, I swear to god," Iwaizumi hisses out threateningly, "if I hear about you being late to class even one more time..."

"Sure, mom," Oikawa says, and then cackles as he sprints away from Iwaizumi's death glare. "Bye, Shou-chan!"

Iwaizumi sighs, rubbing his temples and offering Shouyou a smile so tired that he can only be grateful that he doesn't have to herd Oikawa into attending all of his classes on time, pulling Shouyou away from his classroom and turning the corner towards a quieter section of the hallway. "He hasn't been too much, yeah?"

Shouyou blinks, relaxes when he realizes no one is around to judge. "Too much?"

"That dumbass can be..." Iwaizumi trails off for a moment before deciding upon, "a bit of a handful."

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