Chapter 10: Return to Miyagi

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The train ride back to Miyagi has never been incredibly long- usually, Shouyou just sleeps the whole time- but this particular Monday morning, it's much shorter than it has any right to be. It feels as though he was just in Tokyo, being sent off by a far too energetic Kuroo and a barely awake Kenma at the train station with hugs and head pats and promises to meet up soon.

But, unfortunately, Shouyou's Tokyo days are over- for now, anyways.

With the sun barely having risen just as Shouyou steps off the train, he sets off towards Kunimi's house, hoping he can make it in time before Kunimi's mother serves breakfast. If he doesn't, he won't have anything to eat for the rest of the day- not until he returns home.

If he returns home, Shouyou corrects, knocking on Kunimi's door. Even now, after two days of building up to the idea, the thought of facing his mother is nothing less than an impossible task.

The door swings open.

Kunimi stares for a moment, pauses to take him in- the sweater that's a little too big to be his own, the bright cat socks when Shouyou has only ever worn plain ones, and the small, cat print tote bag that Kenma shoved off onto him for his volleyball uniform and phone.

"I didn't realize you liked cats so much," Kunimi says instead with a small smirk, turning around and heading inside after Shouyou pouts.

"They're from my friends," Shouyou explains, locking the door behind him and following Kunimi all the way to the dining table, loaded with breakfast, before they both sit, in an achingly domestic scene. "I had a sleepover! In Tokyo!"

Kunimi pauses. "I don't suppose they play volleyball?"

Shouyou blinks- he knew Kunimi was smart but at this point, he might as well have been psychic. "Yes..?"

"So you're friends with Nekoma and Karasuno volleyball members..." Kunimi sighs, spearing a sausage and idly gesturing with it. "I heard you even befriended the king."

Shouyou sinks into his seat, grabs a bowl of rice and a conveniently placed egg and cracks it upon his rice very carefully to buy him a few seconds of panicked thinking- mostly, oh god, dumbass, did not think that through, what if Kindaichi and Kunimi get mad and hate him and- "Maybe?" He blurts out.

Kunimi shrugs, speaking through the sausage in his mouth. "It's not like I care."

The relief causes Shouyou to wilt a little, his shoulders slumping before Kunimi's next words cause them to stiffen all over again.

"Oh, but," Kunimi says, giving him a look far more intense and serious than anyone should look during a simple breakfast. "If he ever goes too far..." he trails off, a little too ominously for Shouyou to just nod and take it at face value.

"What?" Shouyou laughs but it's pure jittery nerves, tilting his head to hopefully convey how utterly confused he is. "What does that mean?"

If Kageyama ever went too far, Shouyou'd probably just get annoyed and tell him off- knowing how he rambles at a thousand miles per minute to his friends and Oikawa, he'd likely complain about Kageyama and pout so much that they'd hopefully tell him that yes , Kageyama was being very stupid and Shouyou was very right, and he could put it past him.

Kunimi shrugs, and then, terrifyingly, smiles wide.

"I," Kunimi draws out, pointing his fork directly at Shouyou, all with that alarmingly wide, ominous smile, "just don't think any of your friends or worse, your boyfriend, would be very pleased to hear if the king hurt you."

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