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↳ ❝🍓 [chapters 13] ¡! ❞🚬

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↳ ❝🍓 [chapters 13] ¡! ❞🚬

"NURSE KIM?" Children seemed to be filing in back to back today into the nurse's office where Eva and Namjoon sit behind his desk trying to peacefully eat lunch. They were both too kind-hearted to put up the sign telling everyone not to come in while they were eating lunch, even if they had, the kids would probably still barge in like they owned the place for a paper cut.

Today was one of the older kids, coming in after scratching up his knee while playing basketball outside. Namjoon was only halfway through eating the slice of cheesecake Eva brought from him and he was really hoping to finish it in one sitting. But his dedication to the kids outweighed his desire to eat cake.

It was mostly simple work, cleaning wounds, giving ice packs, calling parents. It's like being a school nurse, but for a community center. For the most part, Namjoon could handle it himself, but Eva was always there if he needed help, plus, it was less awkward altogether for the girls who came in after suddenly starting their period and they didn't have a pad or tampon.

The moment he was done, Namjoon sat back down beside Eva and was right back to eating her cheesecake. "Have you made any more friends here yet?" He wanted Eva to feel welcome in the neighborhood. Not all the people here were bad, only a handful and if she knew where to look, it would be easy to find some.

Eva doesn't know if she wants to tell him about Yoongi. It's not like he can stop her from spending time with him. She's a grown woman who can make her own decisions and deal with the consequences of said decisions, however bad they may be. But Eva doesn't want to see the disappointed glint in his eyes or worry about stress wrinkles forming into his skin. He'll tell her that it's stupid to associate herself with him, that she's placing herself in unnecessary danger.

"Uhh- yeah just a few casual ones." Her answer is purposely evasive, dismissive of the question as if he had barely even asked it in the first place. "Nothing noteworthy." Yoongi is anything but that. He's the most noteworthy person she knows. Every word that leaves his lips, no matter how little they are or how meaningless they may be, she's right there listening like it's the last thing he'll ever say to her.

When he speaks so little, he hangs on every word he says.

Namjoon thankfully doesn't question it. "That's good. I'm glad." He's not even looking at her, just looking at his cheesecake like he's in love with it. Eva lets out a sigh of sweet relief, twisting the gold band around her finger.

"I need to stay late tonight. You think you'll be able to get home a different way?" He finally turns his attention to her. She can always stay with him so he can drive her home, but his car was more unpredictable than a wild animal. There was more of a guarantee she'll get home if she walked. Eva would leave a little earlier to give herself more time to get home. "Yeah- it's fine." Her hand waved through their air dismissively. She's done it before she can do it again. She only nearly lost her life once.

But it only really takes one time though, doesn't it?

Eva was getting better with the unspoken rules of this place. Yoongi told her with such seriousness as if her life hangs in the very balance at that very moment. "Walk with your eyes forward but be aware of your surroundings. Don't eat with your head down or you'll seem like an easy target. Don't make eye contact with anyone but if you do, keep it very very brief. If you think you saw something suspicious, no you didn't. Do not involve yourself in anything, you keep walking."

That's exactly what she did. After saying goodbye to Namjoon, she began walking home, already planning out what she'd make for dinner. Yoongi's orders were gospel to her and she followed them religiously. Her pace was steady, eyes forward, inconspicuous as one could be. But even the best training couldn't keep attention away from her. She was a woman, walking alone down the street. Eva was no stranger to wolf-whistles, predatory gazes, the licking of lips like she's a buffet just waiting for them.

By the grace of some higher power, Eva heard the familiar scratching, whining growl of an engine was coming down the street. What are the chances that Yoongi happens to be driving about while she was walking home from work? She turned and let out a sigh of utter relief upon seeing his rusty, black Chevy.

He slowed down along the curve in front of her and rolled down the passenger side window to talk to her. Yoongi leaned over the center console. "What are you doing walking alone?" She could hardly see his dark brows furrow behind the mess of cloudy white hair never sitting neatly on his head. It's always disheveled and Eva wouldn't have it any other way.

"I was just walking home to make dinner."

Walking home to make dinner for him. Yoongi feels a little guilty. If she got hurt trying to get home and make dinner for him of all people, he'd never forgive himself. She was supposed the be in a constant state of safety but that could never happen not even just in this neighborhood but in this horrible world they call home.

"Get in, I'll take you home." He'll end up at her house at some point in the night anyways. Eva doesn't hesitate to get in with him. Interesting is the contrast between now and when they first met. She hesitated when she first met him, obviously, she almost died and he was a stranger. But in just a month, she trusted him with her life.

The car is silent, but that's okay. Eva used to be uncomfortable with silence, empty space where words should be. Spending so time with Yoongi has made her appreciate silence. He spoke so many words without parting his lips. Every glance, shift of his expression, a quirk of his brows, and look in his eyes were words all on his own, and somehow he's so hard to read. Yoongi is no open book. He only lets her see what he wants. He creates a barrier between them, just enough to keep her safe.

Yoongi looks at her sitting delicately in his passenger seat with her hands resting on her knees. She's wearing loose, faded, boyfriend jeans, a white spaghetti-strap tank top with lace bordering the sweetheart neckline, and a fussy, light blue cardigan. She used a silk scarf to tie her hair back into a ponytail. 'Too pretty' is all he can think. Eva's too pretty for her own good.

The car ride is exceptionally short. He parks in front of her house, those two red lawn chairs on her porch just waiting for it to get warm outside so they can be used. Eva turns to Yoongi. "You coming inside? I know you come a little later but no point in going out just to come back in an hour." Her lips are sticky with lip gloss containing little sparkles. Her lips probably taste like strawberries and various other fruits. Kissing her has never seemed too appealing.

Yoongi nodded, turning away from her. "Just a minute." He was having fucking heart palpitations just looking at her. And as if she knew he was teetering on the cusp of a breakdown, Eva leaned across the center console which separates them, and planted a kiss on his cheek. It leaves the residue of her lipgloss on his burning cheek. Within seconds the paleness of his skin was overtaken by various shades of rose and peach.  "Thanks for driving me home, Yoon." Eva was the most genuine person Yoongi has ever known. Nothing about her belied her true nature. She was exactly who she appeared to be.

From her smile to the way she looked at people like they were the most interesting, captivating person she's ever spoken to or maybe she just looked that way to Yoongi. She understood him just to the extent he wanted to be understood, believed in him in the very way he wanted to believe in himself, and loved him just as he wanted to be loved. Every word from her lips is magical, filled with the beauty of life and songs of the heavens. He could listen to her speak all day, fill the silence he always left behind with her melodic voice. Eva practically pranced to her house like she had won at something.

How was she wiggling her way into his heart?

*.✧ Kᴀʏs Eɴᴅɪɴɢ Nᴏᴛᴇs

This is one of those extra chapters I put in just cuz 🤷‍♀️

Thank you all for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed and I wish you all a wonderful day/night.


~Kay /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\

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