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"Ok class I hope you guys have started your projects. I don't want anyone coming to me the day before it's due and ask for an extension. That's it for today. Make sure to hand your projects in, it's due in around 2 weeks."
Chaewon quickly stood up and put her discarded books into her bag. She was still a bit down because of Jeno but didn't want it to affect her today.
"Don't give a shit Chaewon. Come on."

Bora was holding Chaewon's books for her as they walked to their next class. "You and Jisung still arguing? Damn." The girl laughed and shook her head. "He always starts it. It isn't my fault." Chaewon turned her head slightly and saw something that made her heart drop.

The girl froze. "B-Bora." She managed to splutter out, sighing as she faced what was happening in front of her. It was Jeno, kissing a random student. Chaewon stood there, staring at Jeno kissing the girl passionately. He's not your boyfriend Chaewon. Stop caring. She always saw this but it just...hurt more this time.
"Chaewon let's go." Bora muttered softly. She held onto her wrist and dragged her to the next class.

"I know he isn't my boyfriend or anything but all the flirting just-"
"I know I know." It was now Jisung who was with her.
"I'll knock some sense into him for you, don't worry." He said with a smile. She rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the wall. It felt as if Jeno found this funny, a game. He was a player but Chaewon didn't really care until this happened.
"God I hate you Lee Jeno."

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