Holding a Grudge

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-present time-"Wait up" I shout to Dustin and Mike, they thought today was a good day to run through the halls, me? I didn't think it was such a good idea but here I am anyway

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-present time-
"Wait up" I shout to Dustin and Mike, they thought today was a good day to run through the halls, me? I didn't think it was such a good idea but here I am anyway

"Alright alright" Dustin sighs out of breath as he stops next to me sweat forming on his forehead

"So what are you guys doing today?" I wonder aloud brushing past some of the open lockers

"We have our D&D game tonight but we need to find a sub for Lucas cause apparently sitting on a bench watching other people play a sport you should be playing is fun for him" Dustin rambles and Mike nods his head agreeing

"It's annoying" Mike adds

I start thinking who could play D&D but I can't think of any high schoolers besides me but I haven't played since middle school, wait that's it middle school "guys what about Erica?" Their faces light up at my question "She could probably beat the enemy in two seconds" I exaggerate

"Yes that works perfectly, I'll see you guys later" Dustin shouts as he runs the opposite way down the hall. I look over at Mike who has a slight frown
"Hey Mike what's wrong" he looks up at me and shrugs

"I cant say it" he mumbles, I barely heard him
"Say what?" I question but before he can answer I understand "you cant say you love her" I state and he nods stopping at his locker

"She says it but I just I cant" he lets out a exhausted sigh before continuing "what should I do?"

"We'll have I ever told you I love you?" I ask plainly
"No" he shakes his head with his answer
"Do you know I love you?"
"Yeah" his face lights up as he realizes where I'm going
"That's because I don't say it but I show you by actions or other words or I show it by even support, you don't always need to say it, showing it is just as good" he nods along with my words
"So it's like the saying actions speak louder then words?" He asks and I nod "exactly like that" he smiles wide and gives me a small hug "thank you y/n I've gotta go fix it now" he shouts running down the hall just like Dustin had. I make my way to my last class of the day, English.
As I step into the classroom I notice no one is here yet so I take my seat in the back of the class setting my books down on the wooden desk I take a seat waiting for the teacher or other students to arrive.

About 2 minutes after sitting down someone walks in the room I don't really pay attention to who but I assume since they didn't say anything they don't wanna talk, they take a seat next to me causing me to look up. Shit.
"Hello Dollface" no one other than Eddie Freaking Munson speaks up giving me a smile
"Munson" I greet coldly and look away "don't call me that"
"Awe sorry sweetheart" he says just to get on my nerves "didn't know you were gonna be a bitch today" he whispers and I snap my head in his direction
"Cant you bother someone else with your annoying voice and annoying hair" I give him a death glare and he puts his hand on his heart shocked
"Hey it's okay to insult me but not the hair" he motions to his long curly hair "besides you're annoying too"
I turn back away from him facing the front as the teacher comes in "oh well since you two are already here I think I'll give you a heads up we'll be working in partners for a project" she smiles happily as I groan
'This is just great'
Class was coming to an end and I was becoming increasingly annoyed with the pestering Eddie was doing he keeps tapping my shoulder and pretending it wasn't him, I let out a soft chuckle he's such an idiot
"Alright groups will be whoever is next to you" the teacher speaks up, it takes a moment for what she says to hit me and once they do I start frantically looking next to me and counting by twos hoping that Eddie wouldn't be my partner but once I finally get to us it's been settled were the 3rd group in our row
"Looks like you're gonna work with me" Eddie looks at me a huge smirk plastered on his face
"Stop talking Munson" I say getting up as the bell rings
"Are you still holding a grudge?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows
"What about stop talking do you not get?" I start walk towards the door Eddie not any further behind
"So are we gonna work on it today or...?" he questions and I turn towards him "no tonight is Friday and I am going to a party with Robin and Steve so Saturday we can start working on it" he gives me another smirk
"I'm going to the party too" he speaks in a tone that's clearly made to annoy me "well maybe I'll stay home then, dickhead" I mutter the last word and he smiles
"Well princess I won't go then" he's lying and I know it just look at his face

"Y/n!!!!" I hear Erica shout from the doors I was giving her a ride home since I live only a few blocks away
"that was my cue to leave" I say walking away from Eddie
"See you later doll" he shouts causing people to look at me I just shake my head and give him a glare as I walk towards Erica
"Y/n look Toothless and stickman asked me to play D&D with them" I nod along to what Erica is saying "so is there anyway you could wait to take me home till after that and maybe even watch us play" she asks giving me puppy dog eyes. I smile "of course anything for my favorite Sinclair" she jumps up and gives me a hug "you're my favorite out of the losers you hangout with too" she states as she glares at Dustin and Mike who are walking towards us
We all walk towards the room where the game is being held, I hear Dustin and Mike whisper yelling about something as we reach the door.
"Alright so if he kills us for bringing a middle schooler just tell our parents we love them" Dustin whispers to all of us
"Wait whose he?" I ask as he opens the door
"You'll see"
We walk into the room and I see none other than Eddie Munson
"Hello Princess"...


I did not proof read this so if it's bad or makes no sense I apologize 😃🤚

 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 - 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓜𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now