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This one took forever to come out I apologize but in between this and the series I have on tiktok and YouTube I'm just glad this chapter is out now 😭🤚

This one took forever to come out I apologize but in between this and the series I have on tiktok and YouTube I'm just glad this chapter is out now 😭🤚

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Photo Credit: Zerlinity on Tumblr
This picture right here omfg


Walking through the hallways there was something colder about them maybe because of the storm that was moving closer to the school or maybe it's the nagging feeling in my stomach that makes me want to run away, the school day hasn't even started and I already want to go home

It's safe to say I'm angry which isn't necessarily my favorite emotion it always reminds me of my mom she would get angry and yell and yell it never really got physical maybe a slap on the face but that was it, she was just always angry probably because dad was a drunk and cheated on her or maybe because I wasn't enough

I stop at my locker and reach for the locker door opening it to see a picture of Max, Dustin, Lucas, Will, El, Mike, and well me, Steve, and Robin a small smile spreading across my face only for it to be completely wiped off as I hear two girls talking "he kissed you" one of them whisper yelled "no I kissed him" the other said a voice that sounded like Chrissy's, I turn my head to see them and it's exactly who I thought Chrissy with her friend, I roll my eyes turning back to my locker grabbing all the necessary books for my next class

"Y/n" I hear Dustin's happy and excited voice, I close my locker looking over at him "yes Dustin?" i tried my hardest to make my voice sound more strong than it is but it comes out tired and quiet "are you okay?" he asks which draws the attention of Steve who was walking past us

"What's wrong with y/n" Steve takes his hand placing in on my forehead "no fever." He states giving me a confused look "Steve you're not my mom" I roll my eyes softly pushing him away my frustration growing ever so slightly " I'm the closest you're getting to one So what's going on" he gives me a smug smile earning a groan of annoyance from me, I turn away from them knowing I'm putting my frustration on the wrong people I take a deep breath gaining my composer "nothing is wrong" I turn around giving them the smile they wanted, I look at Steve whose eyebrows are drawn together "sure you are" he says under his breath as he storms away

"Well I was wondering if you'd want to come to the D&D game today?" Dustin plays with the strings of his hoodie "I can't dusty I have a hangout date with Robin, and besides I'm still not friends with your club leader" I pat dustin on the head giving him a soft smile he gives me one in return "Eddie's..." he starts not finishing his sentence "an idiot" a voice comes from behind us, my sneakers squeak quietly under me as I turn around to look at who it was "look at that he's right for once in his life" my words come out like venom I start to walk away but flip around so I'm facing Dustin while still walking "later Dustin" I pull the headphones that were sitting on my neck back into my ears and walk to my home room

"Y/n" Robin greets as she enters the classroom "how are you?" She gives me a smile and places her hand on my shoulder before giving me a hug "Guy problems" I state pulling away "what's up with you?" She rolls her eyes dramatically and whispers "girl problems" we both laugh "since we're both having the same problem I have an idea" Robin informed me "what is this idea" I pried a little, but people started filling the room she smiled and turned away not saying anything more


"Please y/n come sit with us" Dustin and Mike begged "No" I reply, grabbing an apple from the cafeteria lady and mumbling a quick 'thank you' before turning towards Mike and Dustin who were repeating my steps "why not?" Dustin is determined to make me sit with hellfire "personal reasons" I shot back and he groaned "like what" Mike countered for him "like I don't like Eddie he's a dick" I pause "sorry he's a jerk" I begin to walk away deciding to eat my lunch with Robin and the Band club

"Hey y/n" Robin calls me over "I have to go to the bathroom but I also need to tell you something so come with me?" She asks and I agree "don't eat our food dimwits" Robin turns to the rest of the band club pointing at each of them threateningly before walking out of the cafeteria, me not to far behind

"So what'd you want to talk about?" I asked Robin who didn't respond "Robin?" I question, no answer I just assume she can't hear me so I keep waking.

Suddenly something grabs my arm and pulls me into the janitors closet "what the fuck" I shout quietly "you have got to watch that pretty little mouth of yours princess" a husky voice comes from behind me, "Eddie" I whisper, I feel arms wrap around me but I turn around standing face to face with Eddie "What do you want" I ask heading for the door only to be pulled back and pressed onto the wall his hands on my waist my stomach erupts in butterflies and my cheeks begin to heat "I just wanted to see you but someone kept running away" he states we stand in silence for a moment neither of us moving, I think for a moment we weren't exclusive there was no reason for me to be upset "uhm sorry" I apologize not looking at him "pretty girl" he whispers making me look up at him "I didn't kiss her she kissed me and believe me when she did I realized I didn't want to kiss her" he pauses looking down at me his almost black eyes peering into mine "I wanted to be kissing you" silence and tension engulfs us my mind pauses only able to think about one thing, the person in front of me. He leans down slowly pressing his lips softly onto mine as they interlock my senses completely focused on him.

What y/n didn't know was that Eddie was talking to Robin in Band class and this was Robin's plan all day long

Much like all of the other parts this is not really proofread so enjoy the misspellings

 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 - 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓜𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now