Reefer Ricks house

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I'm sorry this is like a very slow updated book but I swear I'm trying and this is a short chapter like very short but I'm gonna try to write a longer one next time I promise

I shift in my seat as the van makes it to a stop, I angle my head up to get a better view of where we are "Oh god" I mutter annoyance laced in my voice "what this is the only place I could think of" Eddie stammers as he hops out of the car "Reefer...

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I shift in my seat as the van makes it to a stop, I angle my head up to get a better view of where we are "Oh god" I mutter annoyance laced in my voice "what this is the only place I could think of" Eddie stammers as he hops out of the car "Reefer Rick house is the best we could do?" I pester him but he just ignores me and continues to walk towards the house. This place has got to be horrible I mean the dudes known name is literally Reefer Rick. I let out a sigh and follow Eddie into the house.

As I step through the front door the smell old untouched furniture surrounds me. I Decide to investigate the house further, I open cabinets looking for anything that could possibly make this place smell and look better. Luckily for me I found a vacuum and a duster. As I go to pick up the duster dust begins to fly everywhere which causes my allergies to spike and sneezing to occur, I sneezed once, twice, three times I expected it to stop after the third time only to be hit with and unexpected urge to sneeze and I then sneeze for the fourth time

I hear Eddie come barging into the room "Are you okay in here?" I laugh a little "dipshit I'm like highly allergic to dust so we need to clean this place if we're gonna sleep here" Eddie's face lights up "okay sweetheart just you go outside for a moment and I'll clean up so you feel better okay?" He says with a big smile on his face, I was going to object his statement being raised knowing I should always help clean but before I could get a word out Eddie grabs my arm and places me outside "give me 15 minutes and the place will be spotless I promise" and at that he disappears

-In the most monotone SpongeBob narrator voice I can muster-

-15 minutes later-

Deciding it's already been 15 minutes I open the door and walk inside the house, this time it smells like cleaning supplies "Eddie" I whisper yell walking into the back room where I can hear his footsteps

Entering the room my eyes land on Eddie who's attempting to put a sheet on the queen sized bed, "do you need help?" I ask but he shakes his head no. He finally gets all four corners on the mattress, but two seconds later on of the corners flips up causing me to laugh as I place it back where it goes

"Thank you" I whisper to Eddie who is currently standing on the other side of the bed "no problem pretty girl" his words cause a smile to form on my lips as I get lost in his gaze "you know you're very pretty too Eddie" he chuckles crossing his arms "is that so?" I nod my head in response

After a few moments Eddie plops himself down on the bed which causes the sheet to flip up and engulf him entirely he lets out a groan of annoyance, I begin to laugh and hear a chuckle come from him "you think this is funny l/n" he sits up his legs now being the only thing in the sheet "yes I do actually" I reply laughing through my sentence I walk closer to the bed to help Eddie stand I stick out my hand and he grabs it but instead of trying to get out he pulls me right into the bed "Munson" I shout as I fall onto him "you're such a jerk" I slap his chest before sitting up into a more comfortable position "sorry princess I had to" he apologizes while laughing "uh huh sure you did" I shoot him a smirk before standing up and fixing the sheet

"There I did it all fixed" I announce once I finally placed the sheet on the fourth corner of the bed "good job sweetheart" Eddie whispers almost silently but it erupts butterflies in my stomach, I let out a shaky breath and lay down on the bed wrapping my arms around him "we're gonna need to talk about what happened" I whisper not really wanting to to ruin the moment but I just couldn't get the image of Chrissy on the ceiling out of my head "we'll talk tomorrow but right now you need sleep pretty girl" he wraps his arm across my waist holding me onto him I rest my face in his shoulder taking in his scent letting the feeling of safety take over I hold onto him a little tighter as I slowly drift off to sleep

I tried to make this fluffy and sweet because we all know Eddie is a big sweetheart

 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 - 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓜𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now