The beauty of Jealousy *

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Warning: slight smut but not hardcore smut I promise
I was sleep deprived making this and don't feel like proof reading so bare with me and I apologize for any misspellings or if things don't make sense 😭🤚
I tried to make this chapter longer

Warning: slight smut but not hardcore smut I promise I was sleep deprived making this and don't feel like proof reading so bare with me and I apologize for any misspellings or if things don't make sense 😭🤚I tried to make this chapter longer

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"Please Diana" I beg looking up into the cafeteria ladies dark blue eyes "just one extra cookie" I stick out my bottom lip a little and give her my best puppy dog eyes

"Fine only because you're my favorite student" she whispers, quickly placing the cookie on the red tray in my hands "thank you" I say and she doesn't respond "I love you" I chuckle as she gives me a sarcastic mhm, I know Diana personally she's like a surrogate mother to me she's the whole reason I even managed to move out I owe her everything

I triumphantly walk back to the hellfire club and see Eddie standing and walking on the table talking, I'm not exactly able to make out what he's saying until I get closer "unless your into band" he pauses "or parties" I walk closer to the table and he makes eye contact with me "or a game where you throw balls into laundry baskets" he yells loudly as he stares down the basketball team Jason yells back, and as I sit down in between Dustin and Gareth Eddie jumps off the table he waved his arms for Chrissy who happens to be there to walk first "you first princess" he says it while looking directly at me he knows what he's doing is pissing me off but two can play that game

-after lunch-

I walk into Biology knowing today we have no work, I'm the last one in the room so I scan the room looking for a very specific face, my eyes catch his hair first and I look down and see Steve Harrington.

Eddie is sitting next to me and Steve is seated behind me which works in my favor, I hang my back pack on my sit before sitting down.

"Alright class today is a free day do as you please I need to go attend a meeting I will be back in 45 minutes and a I have the guidance counselor dropping in every ten minutes so please just don't kill each other" Our teacher speaks up as she walks out of the room giving us all a firm stare before heading down to the office, as soon as she leaves the whole room erupts in instant conversation, I turn my head and see Steve, I immediately open my notebook writing a small note which reads 'Steve do me a favor and pretend to flirt with me because you love me oh and next time Nancy makes you babysit the kids I'll volunteer instead' I rip the paper out of the notebook, folding it before turning around "Steve" I whisper with a slight flirty tone Steve's head turns in my direction and I give him a small smile handing him the note, I giggle trying to sell the act, Steve opens the note I watch his face yes scan through the words and a smirk forms on his face letting me know he's in to play. Quickly my eyes dart over to Eddie who has his jaw clenched which causes a smirk of my own to appear.

"Hey Eddie" Steve whispers "do you mind if we switch spots I want to be closer to the beautiful y/n I'm sure you understand" Eddie's eyes snap up at Steve he opens his mouth to respond but is quickly cut off  "Steve you can take my seat" the girl next to me says as she hops out of her chair walking towards her friends. Steve immediately sits in her spot facing me.

 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 - 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓜𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now