History repeats itself*

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I recommend playing Make Up Sex by SoMo
⚠️ smut, Oral, male and female recieving⚠️
I'll make a mark ⚠️ at the beginning and end of the smut so if you don't want to read it you can gladly skip

His lips linger on mine, I can smell the cologne on his Jean jacket he smells so good, "y/n" he whispers placing his hand on the small of my back standing me up,

His lips linger on mine, I can smell the cologne on his Jean jacket he smells so good, "y/n" he whispers placing his hand on the small of my back standing me up,

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he goes to say something but before he can I place my knees on both sides straddling him I feel the roughness of his jeans on my heat and a small noise escapes my mouth but I quickly stop it "why stop such a pretty noise" he whispers in my ear his hot breath fanning my neck "you really gotta stop whispering in my ear it's driving me crazy" I breath out and he chuckles "never" he continues whispering things in my ear

I begin to get butterflies everywhere as he places his lips on my neck kissing and sucking on every part of it soft moans escape my lips as he sucks on a very specific place under my chin he begins to abuse that spot causing more and more butterflies to appear "Eddie if you don't-" I'm cut off my his hands traveling down my shoulders to my waist they make their stop at my hips and he stops kissing my neck to look me in the eyes asking for permission "may I Sweetheart" he asks I nod but he gives me a look and I know he wants me to say it aloud "yes" as soon as the answer leaves my lips his hands push my skirt up and find their way past my underwear (I literally hate the word panties so it will not be used here😃🤚)

His cold rings make contact with my upper thigh and my breath hitches "shit" I whisper the cold feeling igniting a even stronger feeling in my core "just fucking hurry up" I complain causing him to go even slower his hands ghosting my core not daring to actually touch "how do you ask" he says with a huge smirk plastered on his face and if not under the circumstances I'd wipe it right off but right now all I want is him "please" the word comes out slowly and unwillingly "good girl" he whispers

he places his fingers on my clit beginning to slowly move in a figure eight shape he begins to pick up his speed unexpectedly and a moan escapes my lips, he stops for a moment and takes his fingers entering them inside me he begins a slow pace before picking it up he uses his thumb to draw circles on my clit cause a rush of euphoria to run through me my moans growing louder and louder, he takes his extra hand and loosely places it around my neck he adds a bit of pressure and I feel the knot in my stomach begin to tighten about to break "Eddie I'm- I'm gonna" I can barely get the sentence out before he responds "Cum for me princess" I let go and the euphoric feeling goes through my whole body my eyes close as soft curse words fall from my lips

"holy shit Eddie" my eyes open and he's standing there smirking at me "that was my thank you" he says and I stop him before he leaves "what about my thank you?" I whisper and he chuckles "you have nothing to thank me for princess" I start thinking "fine how about and apology" he doesn't respond so I take it as my invitation to continue I slowly stand up and get on my knees and begin to unbutton his pants I look up at him, his head falls back as I free him from his underwear I pump my hand up and down for awhile until replacing my hand with my mouth I like the tip before wrapping my lips around him and bobbing my head up and down it's times like these I'm glad I have no gag reflex, I look up at Eddie who is letting out swear words I go faster and I hear a moan come from Eddie and I get a feeling of accomplishment as more fall from his mouth "I'm gonna" he begins and I him which causes him to stop talking I feel him twitch in my mouth as a warm liquid fills my mouth I go down one more time and swallow I stand wiping my mouth


"you're fucking hot" he whispers out of breath,  I smirk pulling my skirt down "oh I know" he chuckles as he stands buttoning his pants back up he walks closer towering over me I get a Whiff of his cologne "you smell good" I look up at him to see him smiling down at me "oh I know" he responds quoting me causing me to smile he leans down pressing his lips on mine

"I bet your friends are wondering where you are" he whispers on my lips and I hum in agreement "probably" he places his hand on my jaw "well then you should go shouldn't you sweetheart" I nod walking towards the door I open it but before leaving I turn towards him "see you later Eds " I walk out of the room a huge smile on my face that just fucking happened

"What are ya doin in there" I hear robins voice and turn to see her she appeared out of nowhere again "would you stop showing up out of nowhere sand I was... looking for a book for school that Nat said she had" I tried to come up with an excuse but Robin stood there smiling at me "oh I'm sure you learned something in there" she emphasized the word something "I'm being serious" I stated "so am I" she said sarcastically

"Evening ladies" Eddie said passing through the hallway he places his hand on the lower part of my back as he passes by us my stomach erupt in butterflies and memories of what just took place race to my brain I look back over at Robin who's just smiling and looking from me to Eddie who's walking down the hall "come on let's just go find Steve" I sigh grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the stairwell

-the next day-

"Y/n why don't you join Hellfire club?" Dustin has been pestering me all day about joining hellfire this is probably his 50th time asking and I'm not exaggerating "I haven't played D&D since middle school" I respond sighing "just sit with us at lunch and then make a decision" He begs and I give in throwing my hands up "fine fine but I'm telling you it'll probably still be a no" he smiles in victory leading me to his table no one else is there yet except me Dustin and Mike I play with my fingers anticipating the entrance of the club leader everyone begins to pile in everyone in the hellfire group is here except for Eddie I sigh looking down at my food "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say and push myself up off the table walking out of the cafeteria I pass by the bathrooms and make my way out onto the football field I'm looking for Eddie I feel like he's been avoiding me all day there was no hey princess or later Dollface or any words from him at all which was unusual and there's one place I know he always goes it's in the woods no one else really knows about it, I walk into the woods passing by a few trees until I hear laughter and it's not coming from just one person but from two a male and female I continue to listen and I hear talking the male voice is obviously Eddie's but I can't put my finger on who the female is I walk closer and see someone in a cheerleaders outfit and blonde hair "Chrissy" I whisper to myself and I stand still about ready to turn around when I hear something that hurts more than I thought they would "you know I think you're attractive Eddie" Chrissy's voice echos through the trees but not for too long until you hear Eddie speak up "you're probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen Chrissy" his words echo through the woods too but the ring in my head I turn around and walk the other direction quickly once I make it to the football field I close my eyes and feel history repeating itself only this time I say fuck it if he can make me feel this way I can make him feel the same way, I make my way back to the cafeteria.

"Mike" I say "I ran into Nancy in the halls and she says she needs to talk to you later or something just fair warning" I sit down next to Gareth who gives me a side glance knowing something is wrong me and Gareth have been friends for like ever especially since we're in band together I always begged him to teach me how to play drums "you okay" he leans over and whispers "I'm fine just wondering where Eddie is" I say and almost as if he was summoned there he was taking his seat at the front of the table a huge smile on his face "so I'm assuming things with Chrissy are good" Jeff speaks up and without thinking I scoff "yeah Eddie how are things with Chrissy?" I ask looking right at him as he visibly swallows and I chuckle quietly he looks away before looking back at me clearing his throat "she's still with Jason so it doesn't matter" I take the last bite of my food standing up swallowing not only my food but also my feelings "well good luck to you I am going to go bribe the cafeteria lady for cookies" I walk away but I can still feel him staring holes in the back of my head

I decided I won't have any feelings on the matter he obviously doesn't view last night as important so neither should I keep telling myself that but there's something nagging at me something that I'm not gonna dig at something that's staying right where it is.

I apologize if the smut is bad I haven't written it in so long so I apologize

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