Haunted Memory

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This one's short I'm so sorry and I'm late it's been like a week I'm also very sorry for that but yeah here ya go love
Side note: he's so freaking pretty-

This one's short I'm so sorry and I'm late it's been like a week I'm also very sorry for that but yeah here ya go loveSide note: he's so freaking pretty-

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A shiver runs down my spine as I'm sitting in class I look up around me noticing nothing is off, another shiver causes goosebumps to form on my arms, it's the same feeling from the other night when I was with max. I shake off the feeling and raise my hand gaining the attention of my teacher "yes y/n" I stand from my chair walking up to her desk "may I go to the bathroom?" She nods and I turn exiting the classroom.

My stomach begins to feel empty like a pit is forming, the kind of feeling you get when you just know something isn't right.

I pass by a few sets of lockers before nearing the bathroom, unexpectedly Chrissy runs out of the bathroom before I can enter, my brows draw together in confusion she looked terrified like she did the other night. I step into the bathroom splashing cold water on my face "get a grip of yourself y/n" I whisper to myself "you're going crazy" I sigh reaching to turning off the water, but before I could grab the sink handle i hear something which stops me dead in my tracks "y/n" a deep sinister voice draws out my name "it's been too long don't you remember me" the voice changes to a more soft spoken shy voice, one that sounds far too familiar but I can't place where I know it from "go away" I whisper taking in a deep breath. I shut the water off and quickly leave the bathroom.

As I'm walking down the halls the bell rings signaling the day is over and spring break was to begin.

"Hey y/n" Robin stops in front of me "so I got invited to hangout with Vickie" she mumbles an apology in her voice, a smile spreads across my face "Robin go hangout with her it's fine I'll see if Eddie is doing anything" I excitedly push her towards my locker "under one circumstance" she nods "you need to give me all the details Kubesh ?" She groans but gives me a smile as she begins to turn away "Kibosh"

I open my locker deciding me and Will need to talk immediately especially if I'm gonna keep having these stupid cold shivers randomly

"Pretty girl" I feel hands snake around my waist hugging me from behind "May I help you Munson?" I question as I place my books in my locker "you wanna come over today?" He whispers in my ear his hot breath tickling my neck "what did I say about whispering in my ear" I turn around to face him he has a huge smirk on his face "look princess you're not the one that gets to do the ordering around, now are you going to come over or not?" I sigh knowing I don't want to go home alone "fine" I mutter I reach my hand down interlocking his fingers with mine "don't you have D&D today?" I look up at him and he's already looking at me "yes but if you don't want to sit and watch us you can go home and I'll come by when we're done" he pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear while speaking "well then I'll be waiting" I say as he begins to turn away but I grab his arm to stop him "you better not take hours"  I whisper giving him a slight tap on the shoulder he laughs "Later freak" he whispered mouth turning up into a smile "I'm not the freak" I smile back he turns completely towards me and pulls me into a tight hug "yeah you are but that's okay y/l/n" I let him go and watch as he walks away confidence in his every step


Twisting the volume nob on my radio I turn the volume up, quietly singing along to 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' by the Scorpions nodding my head I grab the shifter in my car placing it in drive I check my surroundings before pulling out of the parking lot sure to not hit any of the other teenagers that are walking around

Pulling up next to my home, I turn off the car grabbing my backpack I snatch the key for my door out of it and swiftly unlock and enter my house, immediately I'm welcomed by the warm atmosphere, I drop my bag by the door and slowly walk into my bedroom plopping myself on my bed I let out a long sigh I begin to think about the past my childhood wasn't a normal one and my "parents" were my adoptive parents and somehow they still made it clear to me that they never actually wanted me, who my real parents were now that's a doozy I know my moms dead but my dad I know his face I really do but I can't picture it in my head I know I know who he was but I can't exactly put my finger on it, why can't I remember, I begin the self loathing as I soak into my bed I should be able to remember something so simple something so important, slowly my eyes drop and without knowing I'm fast asleep

"Dad!" I yell I'm standing in some weird red area with floating objects, was that a clock? What no. I keep telling myself to focus try and find my dad but I can't "what are you doing here" the sinister voice from earlier isn't in my head it's actually here "I asked a question" it states angrier but I close my eyes tight grounding myself It's just a dream, I shoot up out of my bed breath rigid and hot.

I stand up walking towards the living room I look at the clock that reads 9pm but Eddie's not here yet, I told him not to take hours and what does he do? The exact opposite.

I exit my trailer hoping maybe his van will be out here, it's gotten awfully dark and chilly, I kick around some rocks as I near his home. Peaking around the corner I see his van I walk towards Eddie's trailer and get and instant shiver all the hair on my neck standing up I watch as the lights in a nearby trailer begin to flicker and softly I hear a voice yelling "Chrissy come one Chrissy!!" I run inside Eddie's trailer to find Chrissy standing in front of him, eyes completely white "Eddie.." I whisper as Chrissy begins to levitate, something inside me is screaming this is familiar, it must be because of Will. Out of instinct I know something bad is gonna happen to Chrissy so I grab Eddie and make him face away as I face her knowing if something did happen he doesn't want to see it "y/n" he whispers as he hugs me "you were late" I sighed "so I came looking for you" I go to look up at Chrissy and as soon my eyes reach her she begins with to bend and snap in ways no one ever should I freeze staring at her not able to move suddenly a memory hits me it feels as if it's being replayed it's me standing next to someone in white clothing holding their hand it was a male and the worst part is kids everywhere bleeding eyes sucked into their heads a feeling of terror hits me through the memory

"y/n!!!" Eddie yells at me which pulls me out of the horrid memory "we need to leave now" he shouts grabbing my hand and pulling me outside to his van, he quickly puts it and drive and off we go.


So here Eddie doesn't see Chrissy do the Chrissy Crumble so he doesn't have that trauma and y/n is used to it all the gore and losing people you were close to mainly because I cannot write the Truama at the moment

Also yeah no proofreading so I apologize for misspellings just tell me if anything is wrong I'll get to fixing it eventually

Sorry this took so long to publish I just lost motivation kind of and I had no idea where I wanted to take the story

 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 - 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓜𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now