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The Fight
(Not proofread)

Caius came to speak to me, in my room. I was stuffing things in my backpack and was just generally irritated. I thought I'd like traveling. I thought I did. Just not like this.

"So you've decided then?" Caius asked, I assume in reference to me packing.

"Yes." I said. "I have."

"Was this life really so bad?" He said suddenly

"That's not what this is about." I turned to look at him.

"Then what?"

"I thought it was supposed to be about love," I began. "But it seems that you're incapable of feeling anything outside of magisterial anger. "

"Can't have what you want exactly the way you want it. How spoiled. Petulant child." He added the last bit almost like and afterthought, turning to walk out.

"Look who's talking kingliness." I almost shouted. "Listen, this isn't the easiest decision I had to make emotionally, you know? This hurts. Not just emotionally, physically. I'm in physical pain leaving you. The guard, the Volturi in general because of all of the friends I've made, but ESPECIALLY you. Despite how awfully you've treated me at the very beginning and this past week. It should have made it easier, but it didn't and doesn't and now I'm forced to make this decision because you won't pull your head out of your own ass."

"I could kill you for saying that." Caius squinted at me.

"THEN DO IT. What the fuck are you waiting for, you pompous asshat? You can't threaten everyone into staying for the rest of your immortal life. I'm actually curious if you would kill me."

There was silence from him.


Once again, silence and no eye contact.

"That's what I thought. Threatening people isn't love, Caius. Regardless of how emotionally constipated you are, it gives you no right to domineer over someone you care about." I turned back to packing expecting him to walk out.

"I dont want to endure what it feels like to be without you. I want show you."

"Then why dont you?" I turned back around.

"I dont know."

"You've been in a relationship before, Caius."

"Not with you."

"What do you expect to be different, Caius?! In relationships you're supposed to love and be there for one another, bolstering each other, not whatever this was."

"What was it then?"

"You swing from being a complete asshole, to calling me pet names. You tell me to leave and yet you're ridiculously protective. This is a toxic relationship if I stay. If I continue to endure whatever this sick game is."

I rubbed my hands into my face aggressively before letting go and putting my hands to my forehead. I could feel the head ache.

"I always told myself that I wouldn't be in an abusive relationship. That he would love me unconditionally and that we'd put up with the flaws, but this.... This is abuse."

"Let me fix it.

"How?! How can you possibly fix it? Change how you treat me? Completely? You'd have to flip on a dime. You'd have to actually talk to me. You'd have to put forth a hundred percent. None of that 50/50 bullshit. Because if we're going to be together, I want all of you, not just something that you shove under a rug. You have to be open with me. Not just once every year. That's not what I want."

"I can't give you that." Caius then turned and sped out of the room. Alec stood in the doorway and got a front row seat to watch my face crumble. He shut my bedroom doors behind him and helped me to sit down. We ended up huddled at the end of my bed, me crying into his shoulder.

The pinch in my chest hurt every time I had to breathe and I didn't know if it would ever stop.

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