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Chapter 3( 2.0)

(Published Sep 30, 2017 -Wrote this chapter twice because my phone couldn't be bothered to cooperate. ugh. And it's still a horrid chapter... So...)

White Knuckling

Before Jane was switched out with a different guard that night, I told her not to bother telling the kings anything. I knew they weren't going to let me leave. The only things that made me uncomfortable were the fact that he had a wife and I was underage. I wasn't even eighteen yet and he thought he loved me. The "true mate" thing still had yet to be explained to me. I hadn't talked to, nor had I seen Caius since he held me in Forks. I wasn't even sure I even felt anything anymore.

I was called into the throne room and Jane told me what I should wear, as she was appointed to me in the morning. A black dress with black booties and simple, but darker toned makeup. I was pretty proud of how it turned out, not going to lie. We stopped outside the doors of the throne room and I felt Jane's gaze on me.

"You're white knuckling." She said in her monotone voice. I looked down and sure enough I had my hands clinched at my sides. I huffed and crossed my arms, my posture failing. I turned away from the doors and began to pace subconsciously. I just needed to move.

"What if we're wrong?" I asked her and she looked at me expecting me to clarify. "About the whole 'true mate' thing." She rose a brow in understanding. "I don't even know if I want to be here, I'm only here because I've recognized that I absolutely do not have any chance if I decided to defy you guys." At this Jane nodded with a shrug. "That and I'm hopelessly curious about the whole thing. I mean what if I walk in there and I don't feel anything? What then? You guys will probably kill me right? I mean, I should probably just bring a tarp in so you guys have less clean up." I mumbled the last bit.

"What are you feeling right now?" She asked me and I shook my head going to rub my eyes before I remembered that I had makeup on.

"I don't know." I paused. "Panic? Not to mention someone still has to explain to me what exactly it means to have a 'true mate', so add confusion to the list. Also, wariness because I'm the only human among vampires, which isn't exactly new, it just freaks me out all over again. Especially since you guys are intimidating as fucking hell. And the Cullens don't even eat humans."

"Just take a deep breath and relax," Jane said and I did exactly that because I had said all of that in one breath. This whole conversation was monotone and dull in her side and I had trouble making myself think she actually wanted to help and that just made me more nervous. Honestly, she probably didn't want to help. Who would want to console a human? She could literally eat me if I annoyed her too much.

I took another deep breath, nodding at the guards on either side of the doors. I tried to ignore the glances they gave each other and followed Jane inside. I was painfully aware of the echo of my shoes. I could feel my hands start to clinch again, but everything stopped and started again when I saw Caius.

"Ah, Hero, how nice of you to join us. I do hope you slept well." The man in the middle said, standing from his throne. I nodded distractedly. My attention was fully on the handsome blonde vampire king, his deep red eyes captivating me. Though he did seem highly annoyed, his gaze was gentle and calculating. "I trust the guard has treated you well?" Aro asked. I finally tore my gaze away from Caius' in order to answer Aro.

"Absolutely." I said and he stepped closer to me.

"May I?" He asked for my hand and I let him grab onto it. I had no idea what to expect from this meeting. He finally let go and I took note of the knowing smirk he sent me as he patted my hand, winked at me, and then dropped it. "We'll let the two of you become acquainted then." He said suddenly and then they were all gone. All except for Caius. Stupid vampire speed. Caius stood from his throne and I found myself short of breath.

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