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His Lap

I stood next to Caius in the throne room. My arms were crossed just under my bust and I had my shoulder leaned on his throne, my chin was tilted up and I stared down my nose at the woman standing in front of the three kings. She stuttered along as she read out her notes on what the kings wanted and I studied the purple under her eyes and around the bandage across her nose. A festering in my stomach told me that my reaction the other day was bothering me. Or was that just me being territorial every time she even glanced in Caius' direction.

"... Hero? Cara Mia..."

I blinked and looked down at the resident of the seat. Caius was looking at me with a puzzled look. "I'm sorry, I seem to be elsewhere. What was the question?"

Caius' lips pressed into a straight line as I uncrossed my arms and straightened my jacket. It was then that I had noticed the absence of Lucinda.

"I didn't ask anything. You just seem to be deep in thought..." Caius mumbled.

"Hero, may I?" Aro spoke up. I looked over and then at my hands.

"I'd rather you didn't... But..." I walked over anyways, stopping beside Aro's throne. He took my hand pulling it close enough to feel his breath on my knuckles, if he even breathed. He smirked up at me.

"It seems our secretary has been less than kind to our D.L.H. I do believe she should be done away with." He sighed and let go of my hand, which I immediately retracted into my warm sleeve. "Jane."

"Yes, Master." She sped into the throne room.

"Our secretary has been distasteful to Hero. See to it that she understands the penalties of harming one of ours." Aro said and then waved a hand dismissing her. Jane smiled and then turned to me, giving a wink before speeding away again. "Hero, do not be afraid to let us know of harm coming to you. We'd rather your stay be enjoyable rather than uncomfortable. Isn't that right, Caius?"

"Indeed." Said man quirked an eyebrow at me and reached for my hand. I gave it over and was slightly confused when he led me in front of him and turned me around. I squeaked when I was pulled down. His hands pulled me close and my hand found his as he adjusted my sitting. "Comfortable?" He mumbled in my hair, just above my ear.

"Much..." I said with a slight nod, still I kept stiff for a few minutes. Soon enough, I adjusted myself to a better position, one where my head rested on his shoulder. No doubt my warm breath was bothering him at least a little bit after all it's uneven. "Is this an all the time offer? Or is it time sensitive?" I asked softly. Caius' hand traced along my thumb before he pulled up and kissed my finger tips.

"We'll see..."

There were more trials than usual and I found myself getting quite bored. And it showed. I got fidgety, playing with my sleeves and I briefly wished I had brought my phone with me that day. I looked up at Caius as he stared at the current vampire on trial.

What would I call him?

I had never addressed him directly before, it was always him addressing me. Would the 'Master' term extend to me? Or should I call him something more personal, like his actual name?

"Guards?" Aro waved his hand dismissively and the vampire gave a cry of protest before his body was unceremoniously ripped into several sizable pieces. I kept my eyes on Caius, the reflection of his eyes showing the events in the middle of the throne room.

"What should I call you?" I asked suddenly. Caius looked at me, our faces closer.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you call me all of these ridiculous Italian names that I don't understand, but I haven't had to address you yet." I stiffened only slightly when Caius pressed his nose just above my ear.

"You may call me whatever you'd like, Il mio tesoro... Within reason, of course." His hand came up and he trailed a finger down my chin. I fought the urge to shiver. I wasn't cold, so what was this feeling that made my hair stand on end?


I jumped and looked in the direction of our interruption. Jane stood in the middle of the room and Alec stood by the door.

"Apologies for the interruption, Master Caius, but the next vampire for execution isn't a tame one." Jane spoke formally. "He requires full attention and I fear for the DLH's well-being."

"I agree with Jane." Alec said as he stood by the door. Not a trial this time. Straight to execution. Interesting.

"Our DLH may find something to entertain herself somewhere within the palace grounds." Aro shrugged from his throne. "I trust she'll keep out of things she shouldn't be into?" He side eyed me. I cleared my throat and Caius helped me stand surprisingly gracefully.

"I'm not a dog and my human curiosity can be kept at Bay." I couldn't help my slight attitude as I walked with purpose out of the throne room. "Enjoy your executions!" I called rather sing-song-like.

Alec asked if I'd like a chaperone and than he was sure Corin could accompany me if I so wished. I was adamant about her not being led to believe that I was alone. No doubt she'd corner me and talk me into a coma.

I first made my way, alone, to my bedroom. I grabbed my cellphone, a pen and my notebook before making use of the sitting area in my chambers. The couches were quite comfortable and I fell into a tolerable position almost immediately. Opening up Google, I immediately began searching translation websites. If Caius insisted on slipping into Italian, then I'd return the favor.
I searched and wrote down several names I could call him while also looking up the ones he had called me.

I thought he hated me. Why all of the endearing pet names? Was he starting to be okay with me being around? Come to think of it, he probably wouldn't let me sit on his lap if he still hated me to the same degree. I looked down at my notebook in thought, Caius' pet names in a list with the one's he'd already called me at the top.

Something fluttered in my stomach and I began to smile slightly. I hoped he'd continue to call me pet names. It made being here so much better.

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