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Scary Cramps

"I'm sorry, I can't." I said huffing as the dummy in the middle of the room stood unmoving mocking me. Aro was sure that I could use my powers when I was still human. I had forgotten about the problems with my hands sparking, and consequently about the effects I could have on people if they got too close.

"You can." Aro said adamantly. "Try again." I huffed and put my hands up in front of me, pointing my palms at the dummy and trying to muster the power that I knew was there somewhere. Nothing happened. I didn't feel anything.

"I told you." I said helplessly. "I can't control it. I never could. It's random. This is the record of how often it's shown up too. I'm-I'm sorry." I shook my head, running my left hand up my right arm and stopping at the elbow. That's where it came from. Or something. The energy.

A sudden growl of anger and the dummy shot across the room, shattering to pieces from Aro's hit to it. I jumped as I saw the look in Aro's eyes. He turned his back on the dummy and glowered at me. His eyes were black. I knew what that meant. I was done for.

"Useless." He shouted and I jumped stumbling back. "Humans are useless, especially you."

"I'm sorry." I said wrapping my arms around my stomach. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I kept saying it, I couldn't stop. I felt tears rush down my cheeks and scrunched my eyes shut.


I opened my eyes with a slight gasp and sat up. A nightmare. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on the two guards that were set outside my room twenty four seven. Only one of the doors was open, but they both were just inside. Their eyes were black and their figures were blurry. I closed my eyes shaking my head.

I had been asked by Aro to try out my abilities on dummy yesterday after the trial. It didn't go down like that.

I suspect that my subconscious was projecting my own fears onto those around me. Aro didn't actually call me useless or get angry and destroy the dummy. In fact, everyone was accepting in the fact that I couldn't perform the way the kings wanted me too. They aren't as bad as I thought in that department. Still, I felt useless because I couldn't even do what they wanted me to.

"Miss, are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Thank you for the concern." I said looking anywhere, but at them. "What time is it?" I asked them.

"Four in the morning." One of them said. I nodded and they turned, before walking out. I heard the door shut and looked up. My room was empty of anyone else. I shifted slightly in my bed and a sudden wet feeling between my legs made me curse aloud.

I got out of bed and quickly grabbed the things I would need and ran into the bathroom. I felt better after a shower and I dressed as comfortably as possible before stepping out of the room. A large baggy sweater, sweatpants and slippers. The guards outside my door were different this time.

"Where'd the other guards go?" I asked the two that stood there.

"They went to feed." One said simply. So I wasn't hallucinating... Their eyes really were black.

"Ah." I said with a nod before heading to the kitchen. Once I got to the kitchen, an extreme bout of cramps attacked my abdomen and I sat down on one of the stools. I put my forehead on the counter and let out a small groan.

Periods suck.

The cramps died down after a few minutes and I went about making myself something to eat. I had just finished making myself some macaroni and cheese, so I sat down to eat it, then a gust of air alerted me to the presence of someone else.

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