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All Bets On

The next morning, I woke up with a frown. I had inadvertently told Caius that I hated him after he asked, simply by not answering.

"This is oddly intimate for two people that hate each other...."

"... Do you still hate me?" His question made me pause. Did I?

I didn't actually know the answer to his underlying question, but I knew that I didn't hate him. Why couldn't I have just said that I didn't hate him? Because I'm dumb and I decide to panic over simple things like not answering a question that requires an answer.

My door opened, rousing me from my thought and I looked over to see a familiar little one looking in.

"Auntie Hero!" She said excitedly. "You're awake!" She ran over to my bed with inhuman speed and and I barely had time to register the coming almost back breaking hug. I grunted.

"Careful with Auntie Hero, Ness." Another voice came from the door and I smiled at Bella as she walked in. "You gave the king quite the fright apparently." Bella said and I sighed.

"We've spoken..." I mumbled and she smirked.

"Have you.." she rose a brow in question and I rolled my eyes.

"That's a full conversation for later." I sighed.

"Good morning, Hero."

"Esme." I smiled as she walked in with a tray.

"Resident human in need of good food. I bring you a full hearty breakfast." I grinned as she showed me the tray. Bella helped me sit up comfortably and Esme say the tray on my lap.

"It smells amazing." I smiled widely.

"I'm glad." Esme answered pulling up a chair. I ate while listening to Bella and Esme fill me in on happenings back in Forks.

"This new president is making things a bit hard." Bella sighed. Then she kept talking and I could barely keep a hold on my own thoughts with she explained next. "International travel is still iffy, but we have some friends in high places... The boys are trying to come up with an elaborate plan to bring you back with us. Edward included... Jacob is even talking to the pack about a safe house situation."

"She wants to stay." Edwards voice came from the doorway and I sighed as the two women in front of me looked surprised. I swallowed the last of my food and clasped my hands.

"It's not so bad here." I shrugged. "You guys have to think seriously about what you'd be taking on by stealing me. I wouldn't have a normal life, I'd be in hiding. That's not the life I want. The life I'd want, if I went back, I wouldn't be able to have because I'd be hiding from a giant Coven of vampires. That is if they hadn't figured out immediately what we were doing and intercepted it."

"You don't want to come home?" Renesmee spoke next and I found myself pulling her to my side.

"I'd love to come home. But I don't think Aro or Caius let me go anyways. Besides I'm not being hurt here." I explained gently. "They haven't been abusive or forceful in any way."

"I did expect you to be changed immediately when you got here." Edward said sheepishly.

"I won't elaborate, but a certain conversation last night has made me want to stay... At least for a bit longer if they will allow my leaving in the first place."

Renesmee cried. When they decided I was well enough for them to leave, Renesmee nearly refused to go. Bella had to call Jacob and have him talk to her. Jane helped me walk to the front doors to see them out and each of them hugged me as hard as they could without seriously injuring me. Jasper was the last to bid me good-bye.

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