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(not proofread lmao be kind to me)

Jane walked out of Hero's room, shutting the door softly. "She's asleep, finally."

Demetri sighed as he leaned on the wall. Felix clenched his jaw as he stood next to him.

"She loves him," Alec said from his spot in the stone floor. "She told me she liked him, but I don't think she truly understands the depth of the bond."

"Must be why she's constantly in hysterics, she's only cried once since she got here months ago. This time it's the bond that's the cause." Jane said, staring at the wall in thought.

"A mutual rejection." Felix nodded.

"At least we know it's only pride that's causing it and thinly veiled at that."

"Caius' may be a bit harder to see... but I mean, you saw the way he looked at her when he had her on his lap. That wasn't the same way he looked at Athenodora." Demetri provided.

"Dora never sat on his lap." Jane rolled her eyes.

"Exactly my point."

"They'd be better off together." Alec stood and the group began to walk down the hallway. Another guard passed them and stood next to Hero's door.

"You're always better off with the person you love."

"Try telling Caius that." Felix said and everyone expressed varying degrees of 'fuck that.'

"We have to figure out a way to get them to interact again."

"That could prove to be a bad idea, Jane." Demetri shook his head. "They could fight again."

"What if it was... chaperoned?"

A new voice spoke up and the guard all stood to attention as Aro and Marcus stopped in front of them.


"I believe we are in agreement that they should reconcile," Aro said. "As Marcus so eloquently put it, perhaps a meeting within sight of others? Not blatantly watched, still observed quietly."

"The throne room?" Jane suggested.

"How many trials have we set this week?" Aro asked Demetri.

"Enough to fill it."



The next day when I felt up to it, Jane took me for a walk around the castle.

Ridiculously enough, I hadn't thought about the way they treated me like a dog until later. It was better that way, I took my anger out on a pillow later that night, instead of on Jane, who felt like my only real friend at that moment.

There comes a time when things start to become apparent in a way that they weren't before. In my case, it was how I'd been treated like a pet rather than a human. Forced to stay within a certain boundary, forced into monotonous routine by those that could very well fataly harm me if they so chose. A power trip, so to speak.

In realizing this, I became almost numb to the people trying to interact with me. Even Jane's company was dull to me and when I was finally alone in my room again, I lashed out. I took my anger out on the things in my room. I threw a vase at the wall at one point, effectively shattering the object all over the floor, the flowers that were in it fell helplessly. I stared at it and when the building bubble in my chest grew large enough, my face crumpled. I cried. My chest heaved and the pain that had planted itself there after my fight with Caius got worse.

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