June 1st Ac 199

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Duo Maxwell smiled as he peered down into the crib. He reached on hand down and lightly ran his fingers along the baby's cheek. A tear formed in his eye as he reached in with this other hand and picked the baby up out of the crib. He cradled the baby to his chest as he looked down at the tiny face and smiled widely seeing bright violet eyes staring back at him. Hilde, the baby's mother, had died in childbirth the day before. Duo closed his eyes for a moment than opened them looking down at the baby in his arms, his baby. After a one-night stand with Hilde during a Preventor's Party, she had become pregnant with this little guy currently cradled in his arms. He sighed feeling so confused and lost in his heart. His on again off again girlfriend was very supportive of him wanting to raise his son, right now they were in the off again state but that didn't stop how he felt about her. "Oh Caleb, your father is an idiot sometimes." He said softly as tears started to fall from his eyes. The baby boy looked up at Duo crying with big curious eyes. Duo continued to softly talk to his son as he walked around the baby's room. He didn't know that the woman he loved was standing in the doorway watching him.
Catalyna Yuy stood in the doorway just watching. She had tears in her eyes as she watched her best friend, the man she loved with all her heart and soul, and her godson. She just couldn't believe the past couple days. First Hilde going into labor early, her not making it through the delivery, Caleb's first look at the world, Duo telling her he would raise his son alone if need be. She sighed lighted and put on a strong face as she stepped into the room. She had Caleb's bottle I her hand. "Duo," she said softly as she got closer. Duo lifted his head up and looked at her. "Lyna?" Lyna held up the bottle smiling. "time for Caleb to have his bottle." Duo smiled at his best friend, the woman he loved with all his heart. "Thank you," he said as he handed Caleb off to Lyna as she sat down in the rocking chair. Lyna smiled down at Caleb as she placed the bottles nipple to his lips. "That's a good boy." She said as Caleb started to drink his bottle. Duo stood there watching Lyna feed his son for a moment than he knelt down in front of her placing his head in her lap. "Lyna." "Hmm, what is it Duo?" Lyna asked looking down at him, staring into those enchanting violet eyes of his. Duo took a deep breath. "Stay, stay here with me and Caleb." He said looking hopeful. "Oh Duo, you don't even have to ask. I would never leave your side." "Lyna?" "Duo," she started as she moved Caleb up to her shoulder and began patting his on the back lightly to burp him. "I know you loved Hilde and..." "NO, Stop right there." Duo said suddenly. "Yes I loved Hilde, but as my friend. We were only ever together that one night after the Preventor's Ball. I never was actually in love with her like..." he paused for a moment, "like I am in love with you Lyna." "Oh Duo." Lyna said sighing. "Seeing Hilde die during childbirth made me realize that I don't want to loose you too. I know my timing is awful but please stay here with Caleb and me. I love you!" Duo continue as he stared into her eyes with love and devotion. Lyna smiled sweetly as she was rubbing Caleb's back as he was still leaned over her shoulder. "Duo, I had already said I would never leave your side." Duo stood up and placed his hand on her cheek tilting her chin up to look him in the eyes as he leaned his head down pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss.
In the doorway stood Lyna's twin brother Heero watching the young family. He had his arms crossed and was leaning against the door frame. "Finally, he told her his true feelings for her that only took about 4 years of them dating off and on" he thought to himself as he turned and walked away smiling as he went to go find his own girlfriend Relena.
Duo pulled back rom the kiss and smiled sweetly at Lyna. "Oh Duo." Lyna said smiling as she looked up at his face. Caleb took that moment to let out a loud wail. Lyna and Duo both chuckled as Duo took his son back into his arms and began walking around the room rocking him in his arms soothingly. Lyna smiled as she held the empty bottle in her hands and looked at the two men in her life. Caleb may not be her own flesh and blood, but she would do everything in her power to make him and his father happy. She loved them both very much. She smiled even wider as her favorite memory with duo from during the war flashed into her mind.

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