February 13th Ac200

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"Duo I feel horrible." Lyna said from their bed. Duo sat beside his wife and moved her hair out of her eyes. "Oh Lyna I am so sorry you're going through this. You are in so much pain." "Mama" little Caleb said crawling around on the bed beside her. He was 9 months old now and could crawl everywhere. Duo pulled the little boy into his lap as he looked down at Lyna. "I'm taking you to the hospital. Your due date was almost two weeks ago. Somethings not right." As if on cue the little girl in Lyna's belly decided to kick and she kicked her momma hard in the ribs. She was ready to come out and join the world. "Mama!" Caleb squealed and tried to get down from his fathers' arms to Lyna. A knock sounded loudly on the door. "Duo, Catalyna." "Heero," Duo said and watched Heero walk in. "How's Lyna?" "Not good, can you get the car ready I'm taking her to the hospital." Duo said sternly. Heero nodded and was gone out the door. Duo stood and holding Caleb on his hip grabbed Lyna's duffle bag and the baby bag they had packed for weeks incase their little girl decided to come early. "Lyna Love can you stand?" "I think so," Lyna said through her pain. She swung her legs over the side of the bed slowly and stood up. Supporting herself on the headboard. She reached for Duo as the pain was radiating through her lower back and stomach. Duo held onto her as she slowly began to walk her out of their bedroom. Relena met them in the hallway and took Caleb from duo so he could support Lyna's weight better. "Heero's got the car ready." Relena said smiling. "Good come on Lyna lets get you to the hospital."
Duo sat beside his wife as she laid in the hospital bed. She was 11 hours into the labor with their daughter and it was almost Valentines day. He held Lyna's hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. Seeing her hooked up to the IV's and monitors reminded him so much of when she almost died in the war. "Lyna I love you." Lyna turned her head and looked at Duo. "I love you too Duo." "Are you in pain?" he asked worried about her. "Not right now, whatever medicine the doctors gave me has helped dull it to a tolerable level." "Good." Duo said and kissed her hand. He looked up when the doctors came in. "Sire I'm here to see how your wife's labor is progressing. She is 14 days past her due date, and we had to induce labor with a drug to get the process started." Lyna looked at the doctor and smiled. "Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. The hard part is yet to come." The doctor replied as he sat on a stool at the bottom of her bed. Duo helped the doctor bend Lyna's knees up to exam her. "Still not progressing how we want her to. She's only about 6cm dilated but she is completely effaced." Duo blinked his eyes at the doctor confused. "What does that mean?" The doctor took his gloves off and looked at duo as he got a hook like stick from the sterile supplies, he put on new gloves and sat back down at Lyna's feet. "It means the baby is ready to come out but the hole isn't big enough yet, and her water hasn't broken on its own, so I am going to break it for her, hopefully the process will speed up after her water is broken." Duo looked down at Lyna's face as he answered the doctor. "Alright, how much longer do you think this could go on?" The doctor sighed, "every delivery is different. I'm sorry we didn't catch Lyna a few days after her due date. Being two weeks past complicated things a little. Worst case if labor doesn't speed up once I do all this. We many have to do an emergency caesarean delivery." Duo nodded at the doctor understanding. "What ever needs to be done so I can safely bring my little girl into the world." Lyna said looking up at Duo. The doctor went back to work as he broke Lyna's water, "There" he said as he placed a few towels between her legs to catch the fluid coming out. He looked over at the machine monitoring little baby Maxwell's heartbeat to see it hadn't changed. "If the pain starts to get too bad let us know. We will do an epidural." He told Lyna after he washed his hands. "What's that?" Duo asked. "It's a drug inserted right into Lyna's spine, that will make her body go numb from the chest down, if we have to do a caesarean delivery we will need to do one." Lyna and Duo looked at each other both scared. Duo held onto Lyna's hand tightly. "Duo I'm scared." Lyna said to the pint of tears. Duo kissed her softly. "Lyna you are at one of the best hospitals. Sally made sure to get you in here. She knows how scared, how scared I am of loosing you. We lost Hilde during Caleb's birth. I am not losing you too." He said leaning his head on hers. "Oh Duo, I love you." Duo smiled and kissed her softly. "I love you Catalyna." He looked up at the clock and saw it was past midnight. "Happy Valentines day Lyna." Lyna smiled and pulled him down for a kiss. "Happy Valentines day Duo." She said pulling back.

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