February 14th AC 200

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It had been several hours since the doctor had broken Lyna's water. He came abck a few times through out the night to check on her. This was the last time he was checking, he had decided that if Lyna wasn't dilated enough to start pushing her baby out into the world he was going to have to do the caesarean delivery. "Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, lets see how we are progressing." Lyna smiled and Duo helped bend her knees up for the doctor. After a moment the doctor put he rlegs back down. "Lyna you've only grew 1cm in dilation in the last 8 hours. And that is even with me giving you a second dost of Patosin to try and speed things up. I think it's time we made a decision." The doctor started. "Can I be there with her during the delivery?" Duo asked his voice shaking. "Yes, Lyna will be completely conscious, only numb and unable to feel any pain." Duo looked down at his wife, she was exhausted and so uncomfortable. "Lyna?" "Yes, I agree with he doctor. Lets do the caesarean, our little girl is more than ready to join this world." Lyna said through gritted teeth as her little girl had decided to kick her in the ribs. "Before we go back can the rest of my family come in?" "Of course," the doctor said. "I will go get them and call for the anesthesiologist to come and do the epidural for surgery." Duo looked down at Lyna as the doctor left. "I will be right by your side love. Everything will be okay." He said his voice cracking. "Lyna." Heero said walking into the room holding a sleeping Caleb in his arms. He stood beside her bed and looked down at her. "It appears that mine and Duo's daughter has the Yuy stubborn streak in her. She is refusing to come out." Lyna said as tears filled her eyes. "The doctor is going to do a caesarean delivery to bring my little girl into the world." "Meaning surgery?!" Heero said and looked at Duo. "Yes, they are going to cute her out, the doctors sending the anesthesiologist up to do the epidural to get Lyna ready for surgery. I will be right there in the room with her during the procedure." Duo said at the point of tears. Heero handed the sleeping Caleb off to Relena than was beside Duo pulling his brother in law into his arms hugging him. "I am so scared I'm going to lose Lyna." Duo told Heero his voice cracking. Heero pulled back and looked Duo in the face. "Duo, Lyna is strong, she is a Yuy, and we are stubborn assholes when we want to be. She will make it through surgery and then you will have both Lyna and Ariel to look after. We will take care of Caleb till the three of you come home." "But it's how Caleb lost Hilde." Duo said crying. "Duo, Lyna is one stubborn woman. Hilde died during childbirth due to major complications with her own health. Lyna is healthy, she is your wife, the love of your life and the mother to both your children. It was God's choice to give you and Lyna the little miracle that he did when Lyna became pregnant. He would not be so cruel as to take her asway as your daughter is born." Duo wiped his face as he looked at Lyna. She was lying in her bed staring at him. She knew what he was thinking. "Duo." Duo walked over to her and held her hand. "Lyna." He said as tears were threatening to fall down his face. "I love you, I promised you that we would be together forever and I am not going anywhere I promise you!" Duo chuckled and kissed her lips. "Alright babe. I will hold you to that one."
Duo stood beside Lyna's bed rocking his newborn baby girl in his arms. She had a small tuff of Lyna's reddish brown hair on top of her head and they had yet to see her eyes open, so their color was unknown yet. He looked down at Lyna and smiled widely. She was fast asleep from the pain medication the doctors had given her after surgery. He still couldn't believe his eyes when he watched his daughter come out of her mothers' stomach. No, it was not a normal birth but it was still a miracle in itself. He smiled sweetly and looked up seeing one of the nurses come into the room carrying a small baby bottle. "I figured since Miss Lyna is out cold for the next few hours that maybe you would like to feed little Ariel." "Thank you." Duo said as he took the bottle and sat down in the rocking chair in Lyna's new hospital room. He placed the nipple of the bottle to Ariel's lips and smiled widely as she began to drink. After a few minutes she had finished her bottle, so Duo held her to his shoulder to burp her. "That was definitely a Maxwell burp." Duo chuckled out after his daughter had belched in his ear. He pulled Ariel off his shoulder and held her in his arms rocking her gently. He closed his eyes as he rocked in the rocking chair.
A little while later the nurse came back in to see how dad had made out feeding his daughter. She smiled at the scene she walked in on. Duo was fast asleep in the rocking chair, holding his now sleeping baby girl in one arm tightly to his chest as his other hand was tightly holding onto his wife's hand in her bed. "this man sure does love his girls." She thought as she spotted a camera sitting on Miss Lyna's tray table. She picked it up and smiled as she took a picture of the now sleeping family. She took an extra picture of Duo holding Ariel fast asleep. After she sat the camera down she carefully removed Ariel from her fathers arms, returning her to the bassinet beside the bed and between the two parents. She grabbed a blanket out of the closet in the room and covered Duo with it. She wrote a note and placed it on Lyna's tray table saying that she moved Ariel to her bassinet while they were all sleeping. She looked back in the room one last time and smiled. 'they all deserve rest. Mr. Duo was awake the entire time Miss Lyna was in labor never resting. She shut the door and walked down the hallway.
A few hours later Lyna woke up and smiled feeling Duo's had holding hers. She squeezed it tightly trying to get him to wake up. "Duo... Duo." She said softly. Duo's eyes fluttered open and he stared instantly into his wife's sparkling green eyes. "Lyna!" he said and jumped uo to stand beside her bed. "you're awake." "Of course I am silly." Duo smiled and leaned down kissing her softly. "I love you." "I love you too." Leaning up Duo saw the note on Lyna's tray table. He read it and laughed. "So.... Apparently I passed out after I fed Ariel her bottle." He said laughing. He squeezed Lyna's hand than let go. "There's someone who wants to meet you." He said as she reah in and picked little Ariel up out of her bassinet. "Ariel, here's mommy." Duo said his voice cracking as he laid Ariel in Lyna's outstretched arms. Lyna had tears in her eyes as she held her baby girl. "Hello Ariel, 'm so happy you are finally here." She said as she ran her finger down her daughters' pink chubby cheek. "She's got my hair." "Yeah," Duo said as he sat beside Lyna on the edge of her bed. Ariel took that moment to open her eyes and stared up at Lyna. "Oh DUO! She's got your eyes." Lyna said as she started to cry. Duo reached up and wiped the tears from his wifes eyes, as his own fell down his face. "Happy Valentines day Lyna." Lyna chuckled lggiht and leaned into Duo's hand. "Happy Valentines day Duo." Duo leaned his head down and pressed his lips to Lyna's kissing her softly.
Unknown to the young couple the nurses and doctor on duty were standing in the doorway watching the young family. Two of the nurses held hand as they watched. The love that this family had was one of the purest they had seen in quite a while. The husband was so worried about loosing his wife or child. He never slept at all throughout the delivery and would only finally rest after he held his baby girl in his arms and he knew his wife was safe and out of danger. "They were Gundam Pilots." The one nurse whispered to the doctor. "yes I know. These two young lovers risked their lives for our freedom and peace. The young mother almost lost her life in the final battle." "How?" "I was the doctor that treated her when she was transported here to earth for medical treatment. That young man never left her side." The nurses smiled sweetly watching the young couple. "Set up a Romantic dinner for them here at supper rounds, Candles and everything." "Doctor?" "Just do it." He said and walked out of the room motioning for the nurses to follow.

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