December 25th, AC 202

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Lyna smiled as she placed the final 3 presents under the Christmas tree. It was theses 3 presents that were very special and a surprise to her husband and her two small children. She placed a hand on her stomach and smiled rubbing her slight baby bump. She was 12 weeks pregnant with hers and Duo's second child. Duo was going to be a proud Papa of 3 Maxwell children in a matter of a few months. She heard foot steps coming up behind her and she quickly dropped her hand. "Merry Christmas Lyna." Duo said wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Merry Christmas Duo." Lyna replied back smiling. A soft moan escaped her lips when Duo started to kiss her neck. "Mmm, Duo." "Lets go to bed Love the children will have us up early and it is already after midnight." Lyna nodded her head and held Duo's hand as he helped her up from kneeling on he floor. They walked hand in hand to their bedroom
Once inside their bedroom Lyna turned to Duo and wrapped her arms around him as she crushed her lips to his. Duo growled deep in his throat and picked Luna up in his arms. He gently placed her on their bed than crawled overtop her. Lyna smiled as she pulled him down and kissed him soundly. Her hands finding the hem of his sweater and pulling it up his back. Breaking their kiss se pulled his top off completely. She ran her fingers over the toned muscles of his stomach and chest. Duo shivered under her touch and stared down at her lovingly. "I Love you Catalyna." "I love you Duo." She said softly looking up at him. Duo grinned and started undoing her buckle on her skirt. He loved that she still dressed like she used to when they met all those years ago. Today however she wore a long black skirt with a cream-colored knitted sweater. Duo proceeded to strip his wife down to nothing before taking the rest of his clothes off. He than started to kiss his way up her body. Leaving a trail of hot kisses over her stomach, chest, shoulders and neck, before claiming her mouth in a heated kiss. Lyna couldn't believe she married this man, he always found new ways to show her how much he loved her. "Oh Duo." She moaned out when he went back to kissing her neck. Duo grinned against her neck as he ran his hand down her side and pulled her leg up over his hip as he moved his body, pushing himself deep within her. Lyna arched her body up closer to his. "Duo..." Duo moved his lips to hers and kissed her feverishly as he slowly made love to her.
"Mommy, Daddy!" Caleb squealed coming into his parents' room with his little sister Ariel. "Momma! Dada!" Ariel squealed and crawled up onto the bed. She began to jump up and down at her parents' feet. "Wake up! It's Christmas!" Lyna opened her eyes and smiled seeing her daughter and son. "Good morning." Duo yawned as he sat up. "Morning." He said yawning loudly. "Hey there princess." He said as Ariel jumped into his arms. "Merry Christmas!" Caleb crawled up on the bed and into Lyna's outstretched arms. "Merry Christmas." "Come on let's go downstairs." The children said excited together. Lyna smiled over at her husband and sat their son on the floor as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. She grabbed her robe and put it on over her nightgown. Turning she saw her husband doing the same. He was holding Ariel on his hip as he took ahold of Lyna's hand. "Lead the way bud." He said down to Calen. Caleb smiled and ran out of the room the rest of the Maxwells' following.
Duo and Lyna sat on the couch as they watched their children, and their niece and nephew open their Christmas presents. Little Ariel walked up to them holding 3 presents. "Momma who are these from?" Lyna smiled, her daughter was holding the special presents. "Those are from Momma. " she said as she took one from her daughter. "This one is for Dada," she said and handed it to Duo, "the one with the pink Bow is for you Ariel and the one with the blue bow is for Caleb." Duo looked at Lyna. "Awe babe you didn't have to get me something special." Lyna smiled sweetly at her husband and looked down at her daughter and son. "I want all three of you to open them together at the same time." "Okayz." Ariel said sitting down Infront of her mom. Caleb did the same sitting down in front of their dad. The two children tore apart the wrapping paper and looked at what was inside the box. Ariel help up a pink t-shirt that said "Big Sister, Maxwell Baby 3 expected June AC 203" Caleb held up a blue t-shirt that said "Big Brother twice over. Maxwell baby 3 expected June AC 202" Ariel pulled out a pink stuffed dragon that had "Big Sister Ariel" embroidered on the belly and Caleb pulled out a blue stuffed dragon that had "Big brother Caleb" Embroidered on the belly. "Thank you momma!" Ariel squealed and hugged Lyna, Caleb did the same. Duo sat there shocked, in his hands was a pink and blue stuffed dragon with "Maxwell Baby 3 Expected June AC 203" embroidered on the belly and a memory box photo frame with the newest ultrasound picture and the positive pregnancy test. "Lyna?" he said his voice shaking. Never had he expected to have children with Lyna, they had their miracle baby Ariel though almost 3 years ago. Now in his hands was evidence that God was surprising them once again. Lyna looked over at Duo and smiled, she turned back to her children and smiled wider. "Ariel, Caleb, do you know what these say?" "No" they said in unison. "It says Big Sister, Big brother Maxwell Baby 3 expected June AC 203" Relena smiled and leaned against Heero who was sitting beside her. Little Aurora was cooing and giggling in her lap. "Big Sista?" Ariel said. "Yes Ariel, Momma's having another baby." Ariel squealed and glompped her momma. "Baby Sista! I get a baby Sista!" "Maybe, might be a baby brother." Lyna said smiling. Caleb patted Lyna's leg. "Where is the baby?" Lyna smiled and placed her young sons hand on her belly. "Right here, He or she is growing strong and big right here in mommy's belly." She looked over at Duo to see tears falling down his face. "Merry Christmas Duo." Lyna said smiling wide. "You're pregnant, we're really having another baby?" Duo asked his voice shaking. "Yes I am really pregnant. 12 weeks to be exact" Duo pulled Lyna into his lap and kissed her soundly. His hand resting on Lyna's slight baby bump. "You kept this from me for 12 weeks how?" "Well only for about 5 weeks, I found out when I was 7 weeks. I wanted to surprise you and Christmas was my best idea." Duo chuckled as he held her close. "You surprised me alright." He placed his other hand on her belly and looked up at Lyna's eyes as his own shed tears of Joy. Ariel and Caleb climbed up on the couch one on each side of their parents and hugged them. "Merry Christmas Everyone!" Relena said as Heero walked over and took a picture of the young family. "Good thing we live in a mansion. Now there will be 5 children running around" he said chuckling. "Congratulations Lyna, Duo." Duo smiled up at his brother in law and best friend. "I hope the servants are up for the task."

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