August 5th Ac199

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Lyna stood looking at herself in the mirror. She had her hair swept up on the top of her head with it cascading down behind her tiara in ringlets. She had light makeup on accenting her green eyes. She had on an old set of pearls around her neck that had happened to belong to her mother. Heero had surprised her with them that morning. Her dress was a strapless ivory gown with sequins and fake jewels all over it. She had matching pearl bracelets on her wrist that went with her mothers necklace. She placed a hand on her stomach and smiled. She was 9 weeks pregnant with hers and Duo's baby. "Well little one, I'm finally marrying your daddy today. Please behave yourself and not make Momma sick today." A knock on the door made her turn around. "Yes?" she smiled seeing her twin brother walk in the door. He was dressed in a black tux, with a lilac vest on under the jacket. "Heero." "Catalyna you look beautiful." He said admiring his sister. "Duo's a lucky guy." "Oh Heero." She said on the point of tears as she hugged her brother. He hugged her back and wiped the tears from her eyes with a tissue. "No crying, you'll ruin your makeup." He told his sister smiling. "Oh Heero I am so nervous." "Don't be, this is your day. This has been the day you've dreamed of since you met the Baka." He said chuckling. Lyna punched him lightly in the arm "Hey." "What? I still think he's an idiot, but he is your idiot and he makes you happy. You are his princess and he treats you like one." Lyna smiled sweetly at her brother. "Thanks Heero." Heero hugged his sister. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." "Lyna," Stephanie said smiling as she came in the dressing room at the church. She had a camera in her hand and smiled as she waved it at them. "It's almost time to start let me get a picture of you two." Heero smiled and turned towards Stephanie. He wrapped his arm around Lyna's shoulder as they smiled at the camera. Stephanie took the picture and smiled at the siblings in front of her. Heero leaned over and kissed his sister on the cheek. "Good luck sis. You know I love you and it is really hard to just hand you off today to another man." Stephanie had gotten a picture of Heero kissing his sisters' cheek. "Priceless." She whispered than walked out of the room. "Lyna okay?" Lucrezia Peacecraft asked. "Yes, it's a sibling moment." Stephanie said smiling. "Heero's getting emotional about handing Lyna over to Duo for marriage." "Oh I understand that." Millardo Peacecraft said walking up to his wife and her friend. "It's the same feelings I am having over handing Relena over to Heero in marriage." He said as he placed his hand on his wife's back. Lucrezia leaned into her husband and smiled. She looked up at the clock and nodded at Stephanie. It was time for the wedding to start.
Lyna stood at the very back of the church as the rest of her bridal party walked up the aisle to the front to stand. Her son Caleb was the young ring barrier and giggled as he was held in Quatre's arms. The wedding march started, and she looked to her left at her brother. "Ready?" he asked. Lyna nodded and began to walk up the Aisle her arm wrapped around Heero's as he escorted her to Duo up front. Duo sucked in his breath seeing Lyna. Time stood still as he watched her walk up the Aisle with her brother. She was beautiful and he couldn't believe he was marrying her today. Today was the first day of their forever. Lyna looked at him through her veil as she walked up to him. She smiled sweetly as she stepped Infront of him. "Who gives this woman away today in Holy Matrimony?" the priest asked. "I do, her brother." Heero said smiling wide as he places Lyna's hands in Duo's The priest smiled and nodded as Heero walked and took his seat beside Trowa Barton. All the Gundam pilots were part of the wedding. Little Caleb started whimpering wanting his momma from Quatre's arms. Heero reached over and took Caleb, he began to rock the baby boy soothingly as he watched the priest begin the ceremony.
"Duo," the priest said smiling, "Do you take Catalyna to be your awfully wedded wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her until death do you two part?" Duo looked Lyna in the eyes and smiled lovingly at her as he said "I DO!" The priest than turned to Lyna. "Catalyna do you take Duo to be your awfully wedded husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him until death do you two part?" Lyna squeezed Duo's hand as she choked out "I DO!" The priest smiled, "I now pronounce your husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Duo smiled widely as he lifted Lyna's veil from her face. He placed his hand on her cheek and leaned his head down kissing her softly. Lyna snaked her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss. Duo wrapped his arms around her waist as he dipped her back still kissing her deeply. A few whoops, yahoos and wolf whistles could be heart from all the Gundam pilots. Duo pulled his lips from Lyna's and stared into her eyes. "I love you," he mouthed to her. Lyna mouthed it right back at him as he brought her back up from the dip. They turned towards their guests and held their hands tightly together. "Mr. and Mrs. Duo Maxwell!" the priest announced and the music began to play again as they walked down the aisle.

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