November 20, AC202

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"Okay Duo I'll be back in a couple hours." Lyna said as she kissed her husband softly. "Momma!" "Mommy!" her two young children said smiling beside their father. Lyna knelt down and hugged her children. "Be good for Daddy and Uncle Heero." She told them. Heero walked up holding his baby daughter Aurora. "Thank you for going with Relena today." Lyna smiled. "No problem we're family." She kissed both her children on the cheeks than stood up. "Bye guys." She said and got into the car with Relena. Once they were out of the driveway Lyna turned to Relena. "Thank you." Relena smiled at her sister in law. "Lyna I would do anything to help you. If you want to find out for sure before telling Duo and surprising him with the news that you two will have another baby than I will do everything I can to help." Lyna smiled widely and looked out the window as they were drove into town by their driver.
Sally Chang smiled seeing the two women enter her office. "So lyna what brings you to see me?" "I think I'm pregnant." Lyna said bluntly. "Oh what makes you think so." Lyna shook her head. "one I haven't had my period in over 3 months, two certain smells are making me sick, three home test came back positive." "Well than that would indeed warrant a trip to see me. Come let's go draw some blood for your test." Sally said as she walked up tot the girls.
An hour later Lyna, Relena, and Sally sat in her office as the results were brought in. "Lyna," Sally started, "you are indeed pregnant, at least 6 weeks along by your levels. Do you have time for a Sonogram today?" Lyna had tears in her eyes as she looked at Relena. Relena wrapped her arms around the young woman beside her. "Oh Lyna." "I'm pregnant. I'm really pregnant again!" Sally smiled as she walked up tot them. She place her hand on Lyna's shoulder. "Lets go have that sonogram done." Lyna nodded her head and the three women left the office.
"Relena I can't believe it." Lyna said as they were driving back to the house. "Well believe it cause in about 7 months time you will have your hands full with your 3rd child." Lyna smiled and looked down at the sonogram pictures in her hand. "Do not tell my brother. I want to surprise Duo." "When?" "Christmas. I think I can handle hiding it for a month." Lyna said looking up at Relena. "Oh my God that is perfect. Lyna you're a genius. Duo will have the best Christmas." "Yes he will." Lyna said smiling widely and placed her hand on her now flat stomach.

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