February 17th AC 200

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Lyna carefully got out of the backseat of the car. She held little Ariel close in her arms as they walked up the entrance to their home. Duo walked beside her carrying both bags and a few bags full of presents that were given to them by close friends and family. Lyna walked with Duo into the Living room to find the lights off. "Duo babe?" Duo sat the bags down by the door and flicked the lights on. "Surprise! WELCOME home!" all their guests yelled as the lights came on. Lyna squealed and started to cry. Everyone was there. Relena, her brother Heero was holding her 9month old son in his arms smiling wide. Quatre and Stephanie were there, Trowa and Kathy, Sally, Wufei and their daughter Meilin, Milliardo and Lucrezia and even Howard was there. Duo wrapped his arm around his wife and held her close to his side as everyone greeted them. Heero walked up to them with Calen. "DADA!" he squealed and was squirming in Heero's arms trying to get to Duo. Duo reached out and took his son from Heero. "Hey little man, look this is your baby sister Ariel." He said showing Caleb his baby sister in his mothers arms. Caleb tilted his head and took the bear he was holding and held it out to her. Duo chuckled at his son and hugged him tight. Lyna smiled widely and began to show off her daughter to everyone.

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