November 17, AC202

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Skip ahead a few years.

"Duo, can you come here babe!" Lyna called for her husband through the com system they had in the mansion. She was currently in the playroom with her 3 ½ year old son Caleb, her 2 year 9month old daughter Ariel, her nephew Shinobu, her friends 3 year old daughter Meilin, and both Baby's, her niece Aurora at 8months and her friends baby girl Madalyn at 11 months. She had both babies in her arms trying to sooth their cries. The older children were running around he room playing a frantic game of tag. "Shinobu, Caleb Calm it down you're scaring the Babies." She yelled at the two instigators. "Mommy!" "Auntie!" came out of the two little boy's mouth. "NO buts about it." Lyna yelled at the boys. "Ariel and Meilin walked up to Lyna smiling, they each had a bottle in their hands. "Mommy, Little 'Rora's hungry," Ariel said smiling. Meilin nodded. "Madi too." Lyna smiled sweetly at the two little girls in front of her. She couldn't believe how mature they were at their age. "Lyna babe?!" Duo finally responded back over the com system. "Get your Ass here and help me!" Lyna yelled over the com. "I can't, Not 6. Please I need help!" Duo chuckled. "On my way love. I just got in the garage." "Hurry." Lyna said than yelled. "CALEB! Stop that!" she was scolding her son for throwing a ball at Shinobu's face.
Later that night-
"Duo don't ever leave me with all 6 again. My god." Lyna moaned as she fell back onto their bed. "Oh Lyna you handled it just fine." Duo said sitting beside her. He reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers together. He played with her wedding rings on her finger. "I love you babe." He said and looked down at her face. Lyna smiled sweetly up at her husband. "Come here." She said grabbing his braid and pulling him down to her. She pushed her lips against his as his arms snaked around her body pulling her even closer. Lyna pulled back from the kiss and stared into her husbands sparkling violet eyes. "I love you Duo." Duo smiled sweetly at her and closed the distance between their lips again kissing her soundly.

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