July 22nd, AC 199

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"Lyna are you alright?" Relena Peacecraft asked as they sat poolside at her mansion. "I don't know Relena, I've just been feeling a little under the weather these past few weeks." Lyna answered her friend as she looked across the water of the pool to see Duo carefully holding Caleb in his arms as he walked around the pool. "Maybe you're pregnant." Relena said as she tilted her shades down and looked at Lyna overtop them. Lyna blinked her eyes and stared at Relena. "No, no I couldn't be. The doctors said I would never be able to conceive. I was too badly injured during the fight with Libra during the war." She said and placed her hand on her bare stomach above her bikini bottom. "there's no way." "You never know, since you and Duo got engaged have you been intimate more often." "yes, almost every night." Lyna said getting a crooked grin on her face. She looked over at Duo and Caleb and her smiled widened. "Maybe. Ill call and make an appointment with Sally for tomorrow." "Yes, you can't be too careful." Relena started to say. "you are such a good mother to Caleb already, maybe just maybe the gods are smiling down at you and Duo." She finished smiling as she looked over at the pool. She smiled even wider seeing Heero join his best friend and god son. He was splashing water lightly at Caleb making the baby boy giggle and wave his hands around. Duo looked over at Lynna and Relena smiling wide. He was indeed happy, his son was 7 weeks old, happy, and healthy as an ox. He was engaged to the woman he'd fallen in love with when they were only 15 years old. They were getting married in just a few weeks' time. But he was worried about her, she had been ill the past few weeks, every time they thought she was better the very next morning she'd be sick and throwing up again. He looked down at Caleb as a thought hit him. "maybe Lyna's pregnant." He got a wide grin on his face and chuckled lightly as he bounced Caleb in the water a few more times before heading out of the pool. Lyna smiled as she grabbed the towel sitting beside her on the table and held it open as Duo walked up to her. "There's momma's big boy." Lyna said taking Caleb and wrapping him up in the towel drying him off. She swaddled him in a dry towel and held him in her arms as she reached for his bottle. Duo sat beside Lyna on the ground as she fed Caleb. He smiled widely as he leaned his head on his arms on the arm of Lyna's chair. "Feeling any better love?" he asked her. "Some, my stomach feels much better I am just weak." "That's good, I don't like seeing you ill and you have been off and on in the morning for the past couple weeks." Heero walked up joining them he grabbed two beers out of the cooler. "Here Duo." He said handing one to him. "Thanks, Heero." Heero smiled and went over to Relena, he bent down and kissed her softly. "Thanks for keeping Lyna company up here." "Oh Heero, she is after all my sister you know and soon it will be official, we're getting married just a week after their wedding." Heero smiled at his fiancée and kissed her again. Lyna smiled at Duo and nodded her head towards her brother. Duo smiled and placed his hand on Lyna's arm. "Lyna love I think it's time we make you a doctor's appointment." He said worried about his wife to be. "I was thinking the same thing Duo, I don't like being sick and this bug has lasted long enough." "You know Lyna." Heero said interrupting them as he sat beside Relena sipping his beer. "you could be pregnant." "I was thinking the same thing." Duo said truthfully. Lyna sighed. "I just don't know how that is possible though. Heero you were there when the doctors told me about my injuries during the battle with Libra." "Yes, I was, and I know what the doctors said but miracles can happen sis." He said wrapped his arm around Relena. "It took me a while, but I finally accepted my feeling for this beautiful woman right here." "Oh Heero." Relena said and pulled his face to her kissing him. Lyna smiled as she watched her brother and soon to be sister kissing. She looked down at Caleb and smiled even wider. "Maybe," she thought "just maybe you'll have a baby sister or brother." Duo smiled wide as he looked at Lyna. "I hope you are pregnant, we sure have been trying enough" he laughed at the thought in his head. "Lyna," Relena said and held her cellphone out to her. "Call Sally, maybe she can get you in today." Duo took Caleb from Lyna's arms so she could reach for the phone. "Alright you guys," Lyna said and took the phone, she dialed Sally's office number. "Sally here." "Sally do you have any appointments open this afternoon?" Lyna asked. "Yes what wrong Catalyna?" Sally asked concerned for the young ex Gundam pilot. "Well I've been ill and my family meaning duo, Heero, and Relena all seem to think that I'm pregnant. But I don't know if that's even possible." Duo smiled as he listened to Lyna talk on the phone. "Lyna your injuries during the war really damaged your reproductive organs but there's always a small chance they could have been wrong. Come into the office here at two. Where are you currently at?" "We're at Relena's." "Okay than come in at 1 I can fit you in than." "alright, see you in about an hour." She said and hung up the phone. "We will watch Caleb," Relena said smiling. "you and Duo got get ready to leave, I will have my driver take you." Duo smiled and walked over , handing his sleeping son to Relena. "He just ate, if anything hell need his diaper changed out of his swimmer here shortly." Duo said. "Duo we got it." Heero said smiling. "It's practice for us anyways." He said as he ran his finger along the sleeping boys chubby cheek. Duo chuckled and turned to Lyna, he held his hand out to her. "Lets go get ready." Lyna took his hand and let him pull her up. He pulled her right into his arms and kissed her hard. He was excited, even the idea that Lyna could be carrying his child made him so happy. "Enough of that get going!" Lyna and Duo took off into the mansion to change and leave.
Duo sat holding Lyna's hand tightly in his as they waited to be called back for her appointment with Sally Po-Chang. Their close friend and doctor to all the former Gundam pilots. "Duo I'm scared." Lyna said worried. "Why?" "I don't want the disappointment." She replied with tears in her eyes. "Lyna, Love look at me." Duo said softly. "Regardless of what we think is going on with your body, none of us are doctors. Sally will figure out what has been causing you to be ill everyday. If you are pregnant you will be the happiest woman in the world and if you are not than we will just continue on making love like we have been I know what the doctors said to you after the war and I am well aware of the face that you and I could not ever have children together. It don't make me love you any less. You are a great mother to Caleb, he is 'OUR' son. We still have him to go home to after this." He said to her softly as he reached up to wipe the tear from her cheek as it leaked from her eye. "Lyna I love you and in Two weeks I can officially start calling you my wife. That alone makes me the happiest man alive." Sally stood listening to Duo trying to console his soon to be wife. She knew the heartache Lyna went through when she was told she would never have kids because of her injuries during the war. She placed a hand on her own swollen belly and smiled. It had taken her and Wufei their entire relationship for her to finally become pregnant. So she knew personally what Lyna was going through and thinking. "Catalyna, Duo." She said making her presence known. "Sally." Lyna said as she wiped her eyes. Sally smiled as her young friend. "Come on back." Duo stood and held onto Lyna's hand as they followed Sally back into her office. "So what is going on?" Sally asked as she sat on the edge of her desk. "Sally, Lyna's been ill for well over two weeks now. She's been throwing up every morning and off and on throughout the day, certain food smells send her over the edge and she will throw up than as well." Duo said for Lyna. "At first I thought I just had some bug, but now I'm not too sure cause of how long I have been ill." Sally smiled as the young couple. "Now you said on the phone everyone thinks you are pregnant correct?" "Yes, but that is impossible." Lyna said with tears in her eyes. "Nothing is impossible," Sally said smiling and rubbing her belly. "This little one I am carrying is a testament to that." She said as she stood up. She reached her hand out for Lyna's. "Come with me. Duo I will bring her right back. I'm going to take her to the lab and draw some blood. We will know what is wrong with our dear Lyna in about an hour or two." Lyna took Sally's hand and smiled. "Thank you." Duo smiled and grabbed Lyna's other hand for a minute. He pulled her in for a quick kiss and smiled at her. "It will be alright. I will be right here waiting for you to come back." Lyna smiled and squeezed his hand than walked out the door with Sally.
Duo and Lyna sat in Sally's office laughing and talking with Sally while they waited for Lyna's test results to come back. "Sally how long did it take Wufei to finally propose to you?" Lyna asked. Duo rolled his eyes and looked out the window. He loved Lyna and all but girly talk wasn't his strongest point. Sally smiled and looked down at her wedding bands. "The day he turned 18 and was legally an adult. I am older than all of you Gundam pilots remember." A knock on the door caught all their attention. "Dr. Chang." The lab tech said coming into the room, "Yes Anna," I have the lab results you ordered." Lyna and Duo clasped their hands together holding tightly onto one and another. Anna walked the results up to Sally than left the room. Sally opened the folder and read over the results. A wide smiled spread across her lips. "pregnant." She looked up at Lyna and Duo to see them sitting on pins and needles. "Well..." she began, " Lyna's HCG test came back positive, her levels are at 102,000 mlu/ml." "What!?" Duo and Lyna both said together. Sally smiled and giggled. "Lyna, you're about 7-8 weeks pregnant by your HCG levels." Lyna blinked her eyes a couple times. "I'm pregnant! I'm really truly pregnant!" she said excitedly. "Yes!" Sally said smiling. Lyna turned to Duo to see tears in his eyes. "Oh Lyna!" Duo said and pulled her into his arms tightly as his lips crushed down onto her. Sally took that moment to take a photo of the happy couple on her cellphone. She'd print it off latte and frame it as a wedding gift. Duo pulled back from their kiss and leaned his forehead against Lyna's as he placed his hand on her belly. "We're really having a baby together. You're really pregnant." He said on the point of tears. Yes they had a his son at home, but nothing beats the emotions of finding out the love of your life was carrying your child. "Congratulations Lyna, Duo." Sally said walking up to the happy couple. Lyna smiled up at Sally as she cuddled up in Duo's arms. "Thank you." "No need to thank me, you two did all the work. Now here is your prenatal prescription and your appointment card. I want you back here next week for an ultrasound so we can find out for sure how far along you are. For now we will say between 7&8 weeks." "7 weeks, it was 7 weeks ago that Duo asked me to Marry him. It was the day after Caleb's birth, that was the first time Duo and I had been intimate in over a year." Lyna said smiling up at Sally. "That is so Romantic Lyna, we will tell you for sure if that is indeed the day you conceived next week." Sally said smiled as the young couple stood up. "Now go get that prescription filled today and state taking them. One in the morning and one in the evening." "Yes Ma'am." Lyna said smiling as she looked at Duo. "See you next Thursday." Duo said smiling as he held onto Lyna's hand as they walked out the door.

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