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Lyna sat their smiling widely as she watched Duo rock Caleb to sleep. She closed her eyes as she let the memory of their first time as lovers play through her mind. Duo placed Caleb back in his crib, than walked over and kissed Lyna softly as he placed a hand on her cheek. "What has you smiling so much?" he asked pulling back. Lyna grabbed his hand and looked up into his violet eyes. "Just memories." "Good ones?" he asked as he reached up and let Lyna's hair down out of her bun. He smiled sweetly as her as he ran his fingers through her reddish-brown hair. He chuckled lightly when he saw the underneath was a dark purple. He loved what she had done to her hair. "Yes, good ones. I was actually thinking back to a really good memory involving you and me." "Oh, do tell." 'Our first time as lovers." Lyna said smiling sweetly. Duo grinned at her and pulled on her hand pulling her up out of the rocking chair to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down pressing his lips to hers kissing her deeply. Lyna snaked her arms up around his neck as she kissed him back. "you are referring to the time when we were clumsy teenager back during the war if I remember correctly." He said smiling. "Yes, that time. At the house I was staying at." Duo chuckled and took ahold of her hands unwrapping them from his neck. He pulled them up to his face and kissed her knuckles. "I think we've learned a few things by now don't you think?" he asked her as his violet eyes shinned mischievously at her. Lyna giggled nodding her head. "Yeah I think so." Duo reached into his pocket and pulled a ring out. He slid the ring onto Lyna's ring finger of her left hand. "Duo?" Lyna asked shocked. "Lyna, I know we've never officially been a couple so to speak. But I love you more than life itself. Please stay with me forever by marring me?" Lyna's eyes watered as she looked at the simple princess cut diamond on her hand. She looked up at Duo's face seeing all the love and hope he had for her pouring out of him. "Oh Duo! YES! YES!" she squealed and pulled his head down to hers kissing him soundly. "I love you Catalyna!" Duo said smiling as they pulled apart from their kiss. He stepped back from her, bent down and swooped her up into his arms bridal style. Lyna giggled and laid her head on hos shoulder as he carried her out of Caleb's room and down the hall to his bedroom. "I love you Duo!" she said softly in his ear. Duo smiled widely at her as his continued down the hallway.
Lyna looked up at Duo as he crawled overtop her body. She reached up and played with his braid as it hung down over his shoulder. She was smiling widely, her green eyes sparkling with the love she had for this man. Duo smiled at Lyna lovingly as he was looking down at her admiring her. Her hair was flared out around her head on the pillow. Her naked body was sparkling in the moonlight coming in from the window. He traced the scar along her right side across half her stomach. "you almost died that day. I should have stepped up and told you how I truly felt about you sooner." He said sadly. "oh, Duo you silly man." Lyna replied and pulled on his braid making him fall on top her body. She pressed her lips to his kissing him hard. Duo growled as he kissed her back. His hands moving between their bodes as he began to massage her breasts. Lyna moaned into his lips and moved her leg wrapping it around his hip. Duo took the hint and took ahold of her hips pulling them down as he pushed himself deep into her body. Lyna broke their kiss and moaned softly into his ear. Duo growled lightly and dipped his head down to her neck. "you're mine forever," he said softly than started to kiss and nip at the sensitive spot behind Lyna's ear driving her wild. Lyna wrapped her arms around his shoulders and racked her nails along his back. "Oh Duo." She moaned out as he shifted his hips hitting a different spot inside her. Duo grinned to himself as he continued to move in and out of her body. He lifted his head up from her neck and admired the love bite he had left there for a moment before looking deep into her eyes, his own reflecting all the love he had for this woman beneath him. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her deeply as he began to move himself faster in and out of her body. Lyna's fingernails started to dig into his shoulders as she was getting closer to exploding underneath him. "Du-DUO!" she gasped out as her entire body ignited in pleasure. Duo groaned as he felt her body tighten around him and he slammed into her a few more times before he finally exploded, releasing his seed deep inside her womb. "LYNA!" he moaned out and looked into her eyes. He was gasping for breath as he collapsed onto her. Lyna smiled lovingly as she played with his hair as it had falling out of his braid. She was trying to catch her breath when Duo leaned up on his elbow and captured her lips in a sweet slow kiss. "I love you." He whispered leaning his forehead against hers. "I love you too." She whispered back. Duo smiled and began to place peppered kisses all over her face and neck. "Duo." Lyna giggled out. He stopped and looked down at her smiling wide before moving his body from hers, pulling himself out of her body. He laid beside her and pulled her into his arms before pulling the sheets up covering their naked bodies. Lyna smiled sweetly and covered her mouth yawning. "Get some rest beautiful." Duo said softly. "yeah I'm sure Caleb will have us up in a few hours." Lyna said softly. "Yeah," Duo said looking over at the TV Baby monitor that Lyna had insisted on buying for him. He saw Caleb sleeping soundly in his crib. He placed a kiss to the top of Lyna's hair and held onto her as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep. He smiled to himself a he closed his eyes and thought of the future with his family as he too fell asleep

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