09| Champagne Problems

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I stare at the clock sitting on the kitchen counter; why do I feel anxious about this? I mean, it's just Choi Seungcheol; it's just a normal day, I think. I let a sigh fall past my lips as I popped open the bottle of champagne. Jihoon's right; I tend to drink whenever I feel stressed or anxious.

I pour myself a glass and sit on the stool, my knee bouncing from nerves. Why did I agree to compromise in his favor? I gulped down the champagne and poured another glass; I got up from the chair and searched the cabinets for something else. I huffed out a long breath as my hand grasped the bottle of Pinot Noir wine, I tossed out the champagne and poured the wine. I took a long gulp of the sweet alcohol, my nerves relaxing as the wine rested in my veins.

I hear the doorbell go off as I try to drink a second glass of wine; I close the bottle and place it on the counter. I fix my hair and apply chapstick to my lips; knowing the wine-tinted them, I walk over to the front door. "You're here early," I said, looking at Seungcheol with a perplexed expression; he wasn't wearing a suit today. Instead, he wore a grey turtle neck and black jeans with a dark brown leather jacket. His hair wasn't pushed back; instead it slightly covered his brows. "I'm on time, not early, love," He said with a small smile; I nodded as I let him come in.

I walked into my room and grabbed my bag; I fixed my cardigan sleeves. "Don't you think it's a little too early to drink?" Seungcheol asked, eyeing the bottle of wine and champagne. I bite my lip, holding back a remark, "It's definitely not when you've got a lot going on." I said with a smile. Seungcheol's eyes turn to me; I grab my phone as we walk to the door. I slip on my tennis shoes, placing my phone in the pocket of my jeans.

The wine and champagne did help with my nerves; I locked the door and followed Seungcheol down the hall. We descended the stairs, "So where exactly are we going?" I asked, breaking the weird silence between us. Seungcheol spared a glance, "Dress shopping; you'll need something to wear for the party." He said as we walked out of the lobby. Is it me, or did his voice sound deeper than usual?

I watched him open the passenger door of a black Toyota Camry. It seemed new, almost like he had recently bought it. I got inside the car feeling strange, "Put your seatbelt on," He said as he stood there waiting for me. My fingers grip the belt and fasten it; he closes the door. I hold my bag tightly; I let out a small sigh. Seungcheol started the car and drove off; I fiddle with the keychain Suzy had gotten me as a birthday gift. I feel my phone buzz in the pocket of my jeans. I retrieve it and unlock it to see a text from Jihoon and Minghao,

Shua 🍂: Are you with Seungcheol?

Ming🐾: Joshua and Suzy told me about you meeting up with Seungcheol today!? Yah! Are you crazy!? I thought you hated his guts; Jihoon is also flipping out

I sent them both a talk-later text and put my phone in my bag. I do hate his guts, he's cocky and acts all mighty. Seungcheol acts like the world revolves around him; he gets under my skin when I shouldn't let him, but he does. I feel the alcohol disappearing from my veins as Seungcheol drives into the parking garage, I furrowed my brows in confusion. I glance at him as he parks the car in reverse, his brows knit in full concentration as he puts the car in park. Seungcheol turned the car off and got out of the car, I removed the seatbelt before I could reach the handle. Seungcheol beat me to it.

My heart fluttered at the sudden gesture; I got out of the car. Seungcheol locks the car and leads the way towards the elevators. I keep a distance between us, ensuring I don't invade his personal space and he doesn't invade mine. The silence was killing me softly as we reached whatever floor he had selected; I followed behind him like a puppy.

"Good morning, Mr. Choi; we've prepared the room for today. We also ensured no one will disturb you while you're here." A woman in her late forties spoke elegantly as she showed us to a hall. Mr. Choi? That's very formal. I felt my breath hitched as we entered a room with racks of endless dresses and other clothing, "Let us know if you need any help," The woman said before leaving. I look at Seungcheol, "Is this necessary?" I asked. "It is Mitxy; my family are very kin to proper dress code," Seungcheol said as he searches through one of the racks of dresses. I let a sigh escape my lips, "What exactly do you do for a living? You talk about this party like it's a big deal for the world." I said, looking through the second rack of dresses.

IN THE EYES OF LOVE: Book 1 (Choi Seungcheol)Where stories live. Discover now