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Author's POV

She got shocked what have she done?? She saw in all directions comforming that no body saw her. She directly called the doctor and by that time operation theater was also cleaned they took him in operation theater.


I was doing paper work then a nurse cam and tapped my shoulder.
"Miss, Doctor is calling you." I nod my head and went to doctor who were standing outside the operation theater.
"See, he is fine now we will discharge him in some hours." I was releifed that he is fine I think I should talk to him and get to know his address. I went inside in operation theater there nurces were preparing to shift him to ICU, and another doctor were checking his reports when they saw me they went out of the room leaving him and me alone. I go near him and sat beside him on the stool. He was up seeing around.

Mr.Kim POV

I slightly opened my eyes and saw a girl near me she was the one who slapped me right?? But why she seem similar to me ohh I remember she is daughter of my enemy MR. KANG. But doesn't she recognize me her whole family know about me and Mr. Kang whatever i gonna use her now to defeat Mr. Kang. I start searching this hospital room in which I was laying it was old and dirty.
"Hey, are you okay??" Suddenly she asked me and I replied hmm while nodding. "Doctor said, you are fine now you will be discharged in some hours." She said and i replied the same answer as the previous. "So, what's your name??" She asked "I don't remember anything." I said with confused face. She quickly stood up and went to call the doctor. She came back with doctor and nurses. Doctor start checking me and I remained calm.


A/n: Hey guys!! How do you like this chapter. sorry for late update. Don't forget to vote,comment and follow me.


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