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Still Y/n POV 

I am standing in front of bathroom door as i was concerned what will happen inside. I took a deep breath gathered my all courage and went inside the bathroom. i opened the door he was standing shirtless in front of the mirror. i quickly turned around and hide my face in my own hands. i signalled him to go and sit in the bath tub . he understood my signal and quickly went went inside the bathtub. my back was facing him as he was sitting extra water spilled on the floor. i dragged my feet backwards towards him. he asked me for the shampoo bottle and extra stuff. after sometime when he was done bathing. he tried to stand and that soapy water spilled on the floor. he asked me for a towel i was about to reach that towel. he was standing in the bath tub when i caught the towel i was giving him but i slipped on him in the bathtub due to the water on the floor. i was sitting on his lap my hands was touching his bare chest.  When i was standing i slipped again on him. he helped me to stand and i quickly gabbed another towel and threw it on him. and ran to my room i was felling so hot i feel like my checks are burning like hell. i ran to the kitchen grabbed an ice cream. i was coming back to my room i saw him sitting on the couch in an awakward manner.

 i was coming back to my room i saw him sitting on the couch in an awakward manner

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(assume that he is sitting like this on couch.) 

i saw his checks were red i bet it was due to embarrasment.

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