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Next day~~~

I woke up because of sunlight hitting my face. I sat on bed last night was fun I got up from bed and went outside the room. I saw him standing near in the Kitchen cooking breakfast he turned towards me smiled and "good morning y/n, come have some breakfast I made for you." I greeted him back while nooding and "wait, I have not done my morning routine." He nodded and I went to room and did my morning routine. When I went to my bedroom again to do my morning routine I saw all the wrapped gifts. I looked at time and I had still 2 hours to go for my job so I went outside my room and said "Hey, I still have time to go so do you wanna come and unwrap all the gifts" He said "first do your routine and eat breakfast then we will open them ok??" I agreed and did my morning routine and had breakfast which he made and I still had 1 hour to go so I brought all the gifts in living room and sat on the couch after seeing them he also understood and started unwrapping gifts with me " woah this is the biggest gift I have ever got not even sakshi gifted me this big gift" "let me see." He said being curious from whom it was from. When he saw it he said "it's a big one means your boss gifted you this big bouquet of flowers first and then all scents of Chanel perfumes  which are pretty  expensive but wait there is a note too 'Happy birthday my one of the favorite worker you can take a holiday tomorrow'" as I heard this I started jumping because I wasn't able to digest this information. He said "what's so good in this note or maybe you are jumping because it's from your boss" while smirking I replied "Ohh no no no it's just that he never ever gave me freaking holidays for no reason and even on some weekends." He said "ohh why is that??" "Idk" and our evening and afternoon went talking.

Author's POV

Y/n was coming back home after buying some groceries from grocery market nearby she saw a black luxurious car in front of her building she ignored it as she started moving forward a man in a black suit came out with a bouquet of roses in his hands and started  coming towards y/n the next thing she saw that it was her boss and he was kneeling on the ground on his knees "Hi yn, I just wanted so say something I really really like you since I first saw you. Would you like to be my gf??pls accept" yn got confused and told him to get up and said "See sir it's just that I don't really feel the same way and I only see you as my boss so I am so sorry." And started to move forward but her boss hold her wrist, turned her around, and pushes her towards him. She was struggling in his grip and trying to free herself but he kept saying "no pls yn don't reject me like that I really like you." She said "leave me pls" then someone shouted from back "Leave her or you will see what will happen" and it was taehyung glaring her boss there was very dark aura near him. Her boss left yn and started walking towards him. Yn run to him and stand in front of him "sir, please don't hurt him he is already injured." Before her boss said something they heard police siren then taehyung said " I might not be able to hurt you but they can." Then police came and arrest him for sexual harassment and took him to police station. One officer was asking questions from y/n. She looked scared them taehyung wore a mask so nobody can see his face and said to police officer "question her tomorrow can't you see she is too scared to answer now." The officer looked at him first then at y/n nodded and went away. As soon as officer left she ran to her room and locked it. Taehyung wasn't able to run so he walked as fast he can and knocked at her room door " Are you okay?" He got a reply "yes yes I am fine just want to have some alone time." He hmmed and was walking away "and..... thank you for today." He felt revealed and sat on his so-called-bed, switched off all the lights and went to sleep (but wasn't able to)

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