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After what happened in the bathroom. I quickly changed and sat on the couch. I was blushing. Huh?? Why I am blushing?? Remember Kim taehyung she is daughter of your enemy you can't fall for her. Then I saw her coming from the kitchen while licking an ice cream after seeing me she again turns around towards the kitchen  and came back after some time. With one more ice cream in her hand. She handed the unwrapped ice cream to me. After that she  went inside her room. And after finishing my ice cream I also slept.

Sakshi POV

It has been only one day without Y/n I already miss her. I will not be able to see her now at work to because jungkookie said if I am living with him I have to do no work. He wanted me to live like a queen. Now, I am getting bored i have to talk to jungkook for this matter i can't just sit here and do nothing.

I got up and went outside. I saw him sleeping in a ball while shivering. He had no blanket on I went near him and covered him with a blanket. I got so near to his face then I remember my first kiss was stolen by this person in front of me. I was staring at his face but suddenly I was pushed near to him. I saw his hands on my waist and saw him looking at me. I quickly pushed him away and went inside my room. I did my morning routine. Came in the living room and he was watching tv. I stand I front of him "listen taehyun, I will be late today from work because I have a night shift to do i will reach home about 9 pm. If yu need anything just call me, ok??" "Ok, can yu do me a favour??"
"Yes,what is it??" "Please bring me some strawberries I like them plesauuu." He said with cute puppy eyes. "Ok, I will bring." I bid good bye to him and went for work.

Time skip

Sakshi's POV

I was waiting for jungkook to come home for lunch. After some time I heard door opening. I quickly ran to him and hugged him tightly and pecked his lips. Told him I needed to talk to him. He agreed and we both sat on the couch. "Ok, baby tell me what did you wanted to talk about." He asked me "I want to......

A/n: hey guyssssss how are yu doing I hope yu are doing fine sry for not updating for soooooo long and bonus I updated two chapters in a day. How was this chapter tell me in the comments. Don't forget to vote for this chapter. Thank you!!!! Happy Reading!!!!


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