The sun was shining and the flowers were blossoming but no one was smiling. District nine and three quarters was joyful but no human living there felt joy, like a warm hand holding a block of Ice. Every thing warm felt cold, every light was dark but every love was united ,today was the reaping.
Dear Lily
I miss you so much. I know today's going to be really hard for you and your brothers but you have to stay strong. What ever you do don't show any emotion it's not worth it. You know deep in your heart that they're not worth it, you show them that the odds will be ever in your favor and there's nothing they can do about it.
(from your adorable cousin) Roxanne Weasley
I trudged down the subdued stony lane from the house to the bottom of the dreary hill. I searched the surroundings for something happy to cling on to, but only a sea of pain stricken faces met my needy eyes. After meandering for quite some time a daisy caught my eye just like the one my grandmother showed her first love. I took a slender vile from my bag and caught a drop of dew that descended from the daisy's delicate petal. If I wasn't picked for the games I could go home and have her memory to comfort me.
I made my way back home with my letter from Roxanne, the daisy and the vile to keep me sane. The songs of the Mocking J's echo'd my feelings and melodies, and accompanied me on my long journey home...