Chapter 11

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I woke up to a nightmare again. I sat up in my bed and looked around. With my knee propped up I ran my finger through my hair and laid my head on my knee. After a minute or two I put a sweater on and walked to the balcony. I sat on the railing and played with a lighter. I sat there enjoying what time I had of peace and quiet. 

I got back inside and changed for school. I grabbed my beg and went downstairs. I got to the kitchen and made some coffee. I sat at the table and drank my coffee. The boys started to come in. 

“Oh you're here.” Jungkook said with a disgusted look on his face. 

I walked in a tired Taehyung. He looked like he just woke up and threw clothes on. He probably did that. Yoongi walked in and saw I made coffee. He walked over to where I was and took my cup. 

“Okay?” I said and looked at Yoongi with a questioning look. 

“What?” Yoongi asked as if nothing was wrong. 

I looked at the clock and it was 6:30am. I looked around the room and saw everyone was here. I got up and made myself another cup of coffee. 

“Why is everyone awake? You guys should be getting as much sleep as you can.” I said and sat back down taking a drink.

“Why do you care? Do you care for us?” Jin asked, messing around.

“Well not sleeping well isn’t good for your health and high ranked mafia need good health?” I asked and took a sip of my coffee.

Everything went quiet in the room. You could hear a pin drop. I take another drink of my coffee and the air gets thicker. 

“How do you know that?” Yoongi asked, looking at me with worried eyes but it wasn’t for me. 

“You guys don’t think I’m that stupid. Right?” I asked, looking around the room. “The internet is a magical place. You can get so much information there.” I say. 

“Shit” Yoongi whispered to himself. 

“What else do you know?” Namjoon asked, taking a step closer to the table and leaning over it. 

“Your dad is the mafia king and my mom is an assassin.” I say looking at him coolly. 

“You shouldn’t be able to find this much information on us. The only way that would happen is if you were a cop.” Hoseok said and was about to approach me. 

“I’m not a cop. Why would I give it away when you guys don’t even trust me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“She does have a point,” Yoongi said. 

“So how did you get all that information?” Jin asked. 

“That I don’t feel comfortable tell you.” I say crossing my arms and leaning back into my seat. “Oh and someone dropped this last night.” I say and on the table was a picture of a well known guy in the mafia. He is on the most wanted list. “From there I put the pieces together” 

“For all you know we could have been police officers,” Jimin said. 

“Really? They make it so hard to find one uniform in this whole house. Being in the force you would think there would be multiple uniforms. There is nothing in here indicating that you were police officers.” I say to them. 

“What do you want?” Jungkook asked. 

“Nothing. Just getting rid of that block in between us. I just want the introduction over with” I say and finish my coffee. 

I looked at the time and saw it was now 7:30. I get up from my seat with a sigh and put my cup in the sink. 

“Look I understand if you guys don’t trust me but someone here has to bend in order for this to work. Going back and forth will do nothing” I said and grabbed my bag. I walked out the door and started my walk to school.

I finally made it to school. I walked down the hallways and made my way to class. Everything was going fine till I saw a crowd of people. I walked over and saw Hoseok beating the shit out of another student. The student was pleading to stop. 

I began to zone out. 

"Please Stop!

There I was in a room with Gryffin. He was hitting me due to not listening. 

"You do not stop a fight till they say mercy. Even after that you break their bones" Griffin said. "You have to be on top. They have to look at you with pleading eyes. Only then you will know you've won."

"Raven, that's enough!" Dad said. "Griffin might have told you to break them but you should stop a fight when the other opponent is done fighting." He said. 

"How am I supposed to know when that is?" I asked 

"You will when the time comes." Dad said. "Don't fight to harm others. Fight to protect them. Be the person who can save others." 


Before I knew it I dropped my bag and ran to where the boy was. I pushed Hoseok with everything I had. Hoseok fell to the ground and looked at me in shock which turned into anger. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Jimin asked.  

"You need to learn when to stop. You could kill him." I say taking glances at both of them.

"As if we care he said something under his breath about us!" Jimin yelled.

"Move out of the way." Hoseok said to me with cold eyes. 

"No" I say sternly looking him dead in the eyes, not once wavering. 

"Fine you'll regret this" Jimin said and they both walked away. 

I turned around to the student and saw he had shallow breaths. I checked his pulse and felt it was slowing down. 

"Someone get the nurse!" I yelled and saw some people scramble. "I need some paper towels" I say and saw a girl run into the restroom coming back out with towels.

I placed towels over the open wounds and felt his heart again. Only for me to feel nothing. 

"Hey! Hey! Shit!" I say and start to rip his shirt open. "Starting CPR. Someone call 112 and tell them we need an ambulance here right away! I need an AED." I say and start doing chest compressions

I felt his rib break and I continued. The nurse came running down the hall and brought an AED with her. She is now next to me placing the stickers onto the student and taking off any metal he has.

"Clear" she said and he was shocked. I waited a second. I looked and saw there was a heartbeat. The nurse and I are getting gause and placing them over open wounds to stop the bleeding. 

I hear running coming down the hallway and I see paramedics running down the hall. Once they reach us I move out of the way and sit down by a wall. I saw them take the kid in a stretcher and he was taken to the hospital.

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