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    Natasha was nervously walking back and forth in the small hallway while she waited to be accepted into the office. She was in Alfa Romeos headquarters about to find out about next years deal.
    She was visibly shaking knowing what this meeting can bring. She might have to find another job.

   "Can i get Natasha Rowel to come with me." a beautiful brunnete read from some papers.

    She very politely opened the door for Nat. The office was very nicely decorated.

"Hello, i am Tomathy Warner" said the guy shaking Nats hand "i will work out the contracts with you. Its a pleasure to meet u lady Rowel."

    Guy next to him was typing on a computer and the third one was signing some papers.

   "As you might know you been working with us for some time and your manager informed us you don't have a F2 seat next season."

   "Thats right."

    "We wanted to offer you a F1 seat for the next season."

   "I can't believe you are offering me this chance." Nat was almost exploding out of happiness.

   Tomathy smiled at the ecstatic girl. Nat was never happier to hear a thing in her life.

   "I really appreciate you giving me such an honor. I will gladly go over the contract you wanted me to sign."

   She was there for quite some time going over the standard process. Nat being a new driver won't be public for some time. She tried to avoid thinking about it, the fact that she will be a female F1 driver.

   Soon to be F2 champion celebrated with her family over the phone. They were just as excited if not more.

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