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The room was small and crowded with boxes. There was a lot of mechanics unboxing the supplies and the team principal, Frédéric Vasseur. He is talking to a girl, she looks like she is about Natasha's age. After a couple of seconds they turned their attention towards Nat.

"Oh good afternoon Rowel, we were just talking about you." Frèdèric finally spoke.

"Good afternoon sir, i just arrived, its a pleasure to see you."

"Kid, no need to be so formal, you are a part of the family now." he smiled cheerfully.

"Lets get to the point. This is Lorel Tusin, she will be your PR manager. She is also new intern."
She offered a hand and Nat gladly took it.

"We can be called rockie duo." she chuckled at that stupid attempt at joking.

"I think we are going to get along, that is if you watched Euphoria . Also please call me Lori."

"Ofcourse i did, Lori."

"Nice chit chat but we have to work. Natasha you have your first press conference later on. Then training session with your new PT at 7. You will be informed about tomorrows schedule by Lori, now go,go,go..." the girl from the garage said and pushed the girls outside.

"Sooo, what do we do now. We have like 5 hours to spare."

"Bonding time?" Lori suggested.


They went to this small caffee close to the padlock. The old lady there made the BEST ice-coffee in town. Lori and Nat talked about sooo many things. At one point Nat was telling her about weird toster she had in her hotel room.

Lori had such a blossoming personality and the girls shared a similar sence of humor. They then exchanged their social media. Nats socials are pretty small since she is not that popular but she still has a private account, since her main is more for "fans".

Lori was in the middle of talking about her cat Scar when Nat felt someone touch my shoulder.

"Well hello there." Nat could see that iconic smile in a orange McLaren T-shirt.

"General Kenobi."

When she heard a small laugh Nat noticed that Dani was not alone. A boy with a curly hair and the same T-shirt was next to him.

"Ups, rude of me. I am Lando."

"Hi Lando, nice to meet you." Nat smiled.

"Come onn, i know who you are. Daniel doesnt stop talking about you and media doesn't either." Lando joked.

"I hope you heard the best."

"Nope. He heard a LOT of your embarrassing stories and also are we going to stand here all day."

"Sorry your majesty Riccardo, would you grace us with your presence and sit with us."

I turned back to face the table and Dany went to get one more chair. Just then Nat noticed she forgot Lori is there. Poor girl was in a state of shock. (*the woman was to stuned to speak*)

"Gosh i am so stupid, guys this is Lori she is my PR and possibly my new best friend.."

"Ey i thought i was your best friend." Natasha got interrupted by Daniel.

"Lori this is Daniel, he is like an older brother i can't get rid of. He is also a doushe, and this is Lando."

"You would never want to get rid of meee. Righttt???!"



Our banter was interrupted by an old lady. Dany and Lando ordered their drinks and the group fell into a long conversation. They just met yet it felt like they have known each other for years. They didn't talk just about F1 because i think everyone wanted a break from job.

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