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Seven months passed faster than Nat wanted. Winter testing went great yet she was still stressed about the performance of the car and herself.

Photographers are going wild and so are fans. The news of a girl becoming an F1 driver weren't well received by public to say at least.

That's when her thoughts were interupted by an Australian. Older brother she never had, the guy who she grew up with because their parents are friends. He was older, but Nat stood almost a whole head taller than him.

"How are u feeEling"

"I am going to puke."

"Your gonna be finee, stop
being dramatic."

"I feel like i have to be extra good so i can prove myself and give of the good first impression."

"You are an amazing driver, you are going to give of the best first impression, just don't stress about it."

They walked across the padlock while Dany ranted about mario kart. Usually Nat would rant about dumb things too but her head is too overwhelmed right now.

"I have to go." Dany said when we got close to McLaren garage.

"Everything will be ok." he hugged her and patted her shoulder.

After he went to the garage. Nat was on her own. At AlphaRomeo garage she got to meet the legend Kimi Räikonen. Her stress levels were of the rails. He was what you would expect him to be like. Very polite to everyone but not very talkative.

"Hello, i am Natasha, but i mean u can call me Nat and i will be your new teammate." it almost came out in one breath.

"Kimi." he offered his hand.

"Its such a big pleasure to be able to meet you. You been my inspiration for so long." Nat was fan-girling so HARD.

"Hey, hello Nat. Hi Kimi, i just need to steal Natasha for a sec if u don't mind." someone from the garage said.

"No not at all, it was nice meeting you Natasha, i will see you around." Kimi was slowly leaving his way.

"Rowel come with me, i have to introduce you to someone."

The garage was full of equipment and mechanics running around setting everything up.

"Here we are" intern opened the door.


Hi guyss!
I know i am kinda recycling my old failed ff but its just the few beginning chapters i promice.


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