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Gosh darn it. My muscles hurt like a bitch. Nat thought while she entered her room.

Her new personal trainer decided to go all out, his name is Nick. He drained the life out of Nat, littearlly. She bearly made it to her hotel room. Pressing a button in the elevator was a workout. Rowel just flopped on the bed sweaty clothes and all, too tired to shower.

   Knock on the door.

    Ahhh for fucks sake who is it now!

Nat groaned and got up. It was painful. She opened the door to reveal a very smiley Lando.


    "What now Lando?"

    "Ufff someone is grumpyyy."

    "I just had a 3h workout session ofcourse i am."

    "Oww. Begginer mistakes."

    "Piss off. What do you want?"

    "I thought you are going to join our game night." he pouted.

    "I can't to tired."

   She tried to close the door but he placed his foot in-between the door and the wall.

    "Pretty pleaseeee." he gave her the puppy eyes.

Ahhh. No. I can't.

    "I am sweaty."

    "We all are. Now please." now he was dragging Nats hand.

     "Fine give me 5 mins and ill be there."

     He jumped up and down like a little kid with that stupid smile plastered on his face.

    "We will be waiting for you."

   Fuck. What shit i have gotten myself into.

Nat quickly freshened up and changed out her clothes. Silently hoping they are drunk enough not to notice how absolutely demolished she looks.

   Charles greeted Natasha at the door. He seemed very happy to see her. She was happy to see him too, but not looking like this.

   "AYYY ROCKIE COME AND LOSE IN FIFA." familiar australian accent could be herd from the living room.

    "Nah bitch pass me the controller, you are going to go down."
    "I will never go down!"

    He went down. Natasha got him 4-1. Then they had a rematch, she won. Obviously. Nat is wayyy better. She got to meet a couple of other guys. Everybody was pretty chill and drunk.

   Max was wasted. Nat beat Ocon, Stroll and Lando at fifa. Carlos was very nice. For half an hour he was talking to Rowel about food and marvel movies.

I don't hate it here as much as i thought i would.

Nat wasn't still fully comfortable and laid back but she did relax a little. These guys are real people and when she used to just see them on the screen she forgot how normal they are.

   "I think its time for a movieeeee!" Lando yelled.

   "YEAAAH BOI. KIKI AY!" Dani aggred, or so i think.

    "Let's watch new Top Gun film." Carlos suggested.

   "Yeah sure i can watch that." Ocon said.

   "Great then ill go log in to my Netflix account." Charles was quick to grab his laptop and connect it to the TV.

    Nat was set on the end of the couch next to Charles. On the other end were seated Ocon and Max. Danny was on the floor and Lando sat on the sofa. Max brought himself a chair and Mick was on the bean bag.

   Movie was good but it was hard to be seated in a comfy sofa while tired. Nats eyelids were heavy and her vision was blurry. It took everything in the brunette to fight sleep but she still lost.

   Nat feel asleep in the middle of the movie. Her head slowly moved and rested on Charlses shoulder. He didn't mind tho. He liked it, he wouldn't admit it but his heart blossomed a little and he was thankful they turned the lights off so noone can see his rosy cheeks.
   The film ended about two hours later and the lights were on. Everybody's attention then feel to a cute pair. A pretty girl who's head was against a monique shoulder.

   "Oh poor Charles. I wouldn't like to be in ur place." Danny admitted.

    "Nah its fine. I didn't mind it. I could see she was tired when she came, ill just wake her up."

    "Love birdssss!" Lando squeked.

    "Just wake her up?! Do you know who are you dealing with. That my friend is Natasha Rowel and she will cut both of your arms if you disturb her sleep."

    "Welp Charles, i will cry on ur funeral." Ocon patted his shoulder.

   "I wont. I will be laughing my ass off." Max was chuckling to himself.

   "What are we going to do?" Mick sounded almost scared.

    "We? Nothing. Charles? Die." Dani was laughing his ass off

    "Okay is this like i can't move my cat fell asleep on my lap shit?" Charles asked looking at Daniel.

     "No this is like, i don't want to commit suicide so i will not move untill i am allowed to do so."

     Guys were laughing so hard at this point the whole hotel could hear them. They are lucky Nat is a heavy sleeper.

    "Ok Charles, i will help you stay alive just because i need someone to lose against me in COD."

   Charles wanted to protest but he quickly decided against it since this might be his only chance of survival.

     Daniel went to the kitchen and took a glass of water. A big one might i add. He waited for the water to get just to the right temperature then carried it to the couch. Charles eyes widened when he realized. Should he pray, should he stop him, should've he lisened to his mother and became a pianist?

   To late the glass is in hand but the cold water is going down Natasha's spine. Mick was genuinely praying. They didn't know this girl. Oh shit she is opening her eyes? At this moment Danny new he fucked up and Charles didn't even care about half the water being on him.

     "10 second head start Riccardo."

     "Better start running my man." Ocon said.

      "Oh fuck."

    Australian ran thru halls and the girl counted to ten. He ran, but not fast enough. In the confusion he accidentally ran into a pool room. Fuck.

    Perfect Nat thought and pushed Daniel into the pool. They were both crying laughing and were both equally wet. She jumped into the pool since she had nothing to lose.

    Guys were out of breath when they arrived to see the show.

    "Ahh we are too late they are friends again." Mick groaned.

    "All this running and no boxing match? Lamee." Max was bearly speaking.

    "Wow man. I already had hospital number dialed in." Charles was laughing.

    "Natasha Rowel i am disappointed." Lando scolded Nat like an angry mother.

    Danny and Nat got out of pool and Mick brought them towels. Everybody was slowly going to their hotel rooms. Damm its late.


This is my fav chapter so far,we are finally seeing some quality interacting w the guys.

Sorry for a late update. I am on a trip with family so things are kinda tight. Please don't mind some of these chapters. I don't want to get into the main plot untill i have enough time to do so.

°How are we liking Nat meeting more drivers?

°Should i continue with adding Nats thoughts in the story?

°What do you think is going to happen next?


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