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  Nat couldn't wait to see Georgie and Alex again. She missed being close with them. Contrary from many other social occasions she was not worried or nervous. Nat was visibly happy.

   She made a quick stop to buy chips at the small shop on the way where she was recognized by some fans. After numerous pictures and greeting their friends on face time she started going to Milk boys room. Sun is slowly setting but that didn't make the temperature any easier to bare.

   The hotel was gorgeous and huge enough she almost got lost. After the first knock Georgie was quick to open the door.



   Nat flew into his arms and almost made both of them fall to the ground. He is lucky to be bigger than Natasha. She spoke but the words were muffled in his shirt.

"Missed you bestie."

"Missed you too best friend."

  After the chessy stuff Nat greeted Lando and Alex who were VERY focused on the game. George and Nat brought the bowls of snacks and drinks. Should they be eating this? No. Will they? Yes.

  They finished the game and then just sat and talked.

"Ok, ok i still don't get this. How are you and Lan friends??" Alex said laughing.

"Daniel introduced us." Lando gave him a quick answer.

"I thought you hated him." Alex was still laughing.


"I still do."

  Lando sat next to Nat on sofa and started tickling her to death.

"Stop. STOP. LANDO. lando pleeeeEeeeeAaAaaaAseee. STOOOOP." Natasha was bearly breathing.


  After some time he gave up and all four of them were sitting on a sofa too small.

"When did u guys make this new trio." Nat asked.

"I don't know, i guess we started hanging out more while in F1." Georgie explained.

"Now that we are all caught up on each others lives we should definitely hang out more."

"I heard there will be a good party Sunday night." George said.


   They got drunker than expected. Nat was still sober enough to wipe the floor with them in Mario kart. At some point she hugged everyone and decided to walk back to her hotel room.

"I forgot how pretty she is."

"I forgot how much of a simp you were for her in f3 and f2 Alex."

"AHAHAHA SERIOUSLY? Alex i dint knoW tHis." Lando laughed.

"Keep it down Lan, and no George i was not a simp."

"Mhm, you can lie to Lan but not to me."

"It doesn't matter i got over it."

"Yeah sure you did buddy." George patted him on the shoulder.


   Lori still didn't tell me who she is going on a date with. I have to remember to find out about it later. Nat though while entering the hotel.


   Nats head hurts like a lil bitch. She is drinking my 3rd coffee, Bottas would be proud.

"Well isn't it the paddocks favourite girl." Nat couldn't realize whose voice it is.

"I hope so. Max?"

"Yeah, i didn't really get to meet you a few days ago. I was thinking you would be up for a coffee or whatever. Danny will also go..So...Just if u want."

He shot Nat a nervous smile.

"Of course he will. Yeah sure just send me the time and location."

"Yeah ill send a pigeon with the note."

"Oo yeah, sorry. Give me ur phone ill add my number."

  He reached in his pocket and took out a very expensive phone. Omg don't break it please dumbass.
   She carefully typed in her number and proof read it like 10 times. She saved the contact as "Best F1 driver". He will know.

  Max walked back to Red bulls garage smiling ear to ear. He looked like he won the lottery.

"Someones happy. Too happy for the first race." Sergio commented on Dutchman's behavior.

"Why can't i be happy?"

"You can, but not now mate. Everyone is stressed and so were you this morning. What happened man? Is it a girl????"

"Come on Checo i am just excited for the race."

"Sure man, if you say so."

  It was. Checo was right but Max didn't want to admit that he was that excited for getting a phone number of a girl he just recently met.


"Radio check."


"NO nonono. Stop right there. I am quitting my job."

"No, please."

"Just warm up the tyres."

"Am i not hot enough."

"I am not payed enough."


"Welcome to Bahrain. We just finished the formation lap, the drivers are secure and on their positions..."



   Natasha was struggling to get past Ocon, but so was Ocon trying to keep her behind. Her tyres were scraping off and she started too feel it.

"Tyres are not feeling the best Lucas."

"Copy. They look fine for now, if you don't push to hard they should be fine. We are still going strategy B."


   With a help of a friend called DRS Nat was flying next to Ocon and already looking at her next target. Alonso.

  After some great fights with Vettel and Alonso the tyres have almost given up.

"Box, box"


  In no time Natasha was in pits and mechanics swiched her tyres to hard. The young driver fell 5 positions down.

   Time to race.



"THANKS GUYS! Omg, i am....Gosh lets GOOOO GUYS!!!! I cannot believe it! Thanks everyone!!!!!"

"Debut race in points, well done!"

"Thank you Lucas!"


Looks like some guys already have their eye on a certain new driver. Nat is going strong on that debut race.

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