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"Come on pick up Daniel." Max was nervously pacing around the room.

"HeLlOo its Daniel hereee!!!"

"Hi Danny, i need a favor."

"Of course you do, say it bestie. Your wish is my command."

"So i kinda lied to Nat you are going to the cafe too."

"Huh? Context please."

"So i kinda wanted to ask her to go to coffee with me just because i wanted to meet her."

"Yeah,mhm, bullshit. Continue please."

"Sooo i panicked and thought she would say no so i just said you are going too."

"What if i don't want to?"

"Please Danny dont make this awkward."

"Hmm ok, 100 dollars."

"Piss off man, you are littearlly rich."

"Oh yeah, and so are you 1000 dollars."

"Your company is not worth that much."

"Ok you will buy me breakfast in my favorite bakery every morning, for a week."

"Deal, also no one can ever, ever know about this."

"Yeah sure."

Max finally relaxed and dropped on the couch. He had a pretty shit race but right now a small smile is on his face anyway.

Can't wait to see Natasha tonight.

What he didn't know is that he wasn't the only one with that thought in mind.


Lori and Dani were currently eating ice cream. Typical of Rowel to obey her ice cream eating rules.

"This was a hard day." Nat sighed.

"I second that. I am so tired."

"Are you going to the party tonight."

"Depends, after all this work with interviews maybe."

They were peacefully walking down the street while the heet consumed them both.

"When do you plan to tell me?" Nat broke the silence.

"Tell you what now?"

"Who are you going on a date with."

"I guess you will never know."

"Bitch." Nat muttered in her chin.

Finally they reached their hotel and relaxed when they felt cold breeze on their skin.

"We are getting ready in your room." Lori quickly said.

"Why always mine." Nat protested.

"Its bigger." with that said Lori went to her room.

As Nat was about to reach her room she noticed something in her preferal vision, rather someone.

"Hi Charles."

"Hello Natasha."

"I didn't get the chance to congratulate you on your win. Congratulations man, that was awsome"

"Merci, i am very happy."

"So am i, that is an amazing start of this season."

"And so is your P8. Are coming to the party tonight?"

"Yeah, George, Alex and Lan would kill me if i didn't. You?"

"Of course, can't wait to see you there jolie."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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