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   The night overthinking slowly became a morning overthinking as soon as the alarm rang. Nat was tired or she just lied to herself that she is. Practices went well and she was predicted to be about 15th. Practices were pretty boring compared to qualifying. Who knows what will happen on the race day.

   Walking into the padlock cameras were showed in her face. If she didn't go blind now she never will. She saw could see some familiar faces looking at her. Like George and Albon, who she was friends with in F3 and F2 but as they moved to F1 she lost contact with them. She quickly waved at them and continued walking. She also saw Mick who was looking very VERY nervous.

Gosh darn it, where is Lori?! she thought.

  In the garage she greeted Kimi and they exchanged a few words, he is in a very good mood today. Nat then sat down to talk with strategists. It was sooooo boring but it had to be done. They decided on a 2 pit stop strategy. Then she went to her driver room where Lori braided her hair.

"You are tense."

"No shit Sherlock. I am losing my mind."

"You will be fine, relax."

"I cant."

   And with that, silence.

  Lori started humming a Lana del Ray song while getting her fingers lost in Nats hair. Nat on the other hand was so spaced out and lost in thought it scared her to core when a mechanic rushed into the room telling her its go time.

~~~time skip to the qualifying~~~

"Radio check please."

"I belive i can flyyyyyy. I belive i can toouch the skyyyyyy."

"Ok. Copy."

  Natasha warmed up and started her lap. She was in hyper-focus mode and she was counting the corners.

"Good job Rowel. Pay attention in 3 seconds you will need to go past Perez."

"Copy. What is my time rn?"

"Its looking good keep up the pace and u are making it to Q2."

  After the lap she went to garage where everyone was praying she will make it. Her fingers almost bled from the force she was crossing them with.

She did it.

And so did Kimi. Time for Q2.

"Radio check."

"Were no strangers to looovee..."

"Copy. Stooop singing Rowel."

"Nooo Lucas."

"Focus on the lap."

  She was making some good progress and when ordered to went back to the garage. Waiting.

"You son of a bitch you did it. Almost. But you did it."

"Yoooo lets goooo."

  Fuck, she is more nervous now. Team was so proud, frist qualifying and she was 11th. The team was hugging her like she just won a championship.

Time to take a long nap i guess.

  Well no she had to talk about strategies for tomorrow and do the interviews and talk with race control......Bla bla blaaa...


"P11, first qualifying and such a great result. Must me an amazing day to be Natasha Rowel." blonde interviewer spoke to Nat.

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