⌂ ROSEQUARTZ House Episode 5

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⌂ ROSEQUARTZ House Episode 5


(Magdung's Tour)

Jihye: I get really seasick

(Jihye ends up giving up due to seasickness)

Nari: You're not interested?

Hayoon: Bye!

Jihye: I'm not going to ride it.

(The boat carrying Miyoung and Nari heads to the parasailing point)

Miyoung: I'm scared! Why is it going so fast?

(What do you mean? It's time to fly!)

Nari: It looks really scary.

(Miyoung goes first)

Miyoung: I'm off! Ah! Am I really going?

(Yes, you are)

Nari: Bye, Miyoung

Miyoung: Ah! I'm scared! I'm going to up! Ah!

(Taking pictures into the sky with a single shout Miyoung is completely in the air)
(Entirely feeling the ocean and sky. Higher and higher...!)

Miyoung: Wait a minute! Wow it's really high!

(It's really high! This is worth taking a picture.)

Miyoung: Can you hear me? Can you hear me?

(Please respond to me!)

Miyoung: This could be embarrassing but, it was great coming on this trip together for the first time. I want to make great memories together before we go back. I love you guys so much!

Jihye; I want to go jet skiing again.

(We're a little bored)

Jihye: I want to buy a jet ski when I make more money.

Hayoon: Me, too!

Jihye: You can leave it in storage and when you need it you can use your car.

(What should I do about seasickness...?)
(Flying up in a seated position)

Nari: Mom!

(Nari, the good daughter, thinking about mom. Taking a photo of the good daughter)
(Let's think about the camera a little bit later and admire the hair while she catches her breath)

Nari: If you fall here it would really hurt because it's so far up.

(Are you sure? There's no way)

Nari: It's me! It's me, Kim Nari.

Hayoon: How was it?

(These two grew tired of waiting)

Jihye: We couldn't wait for you guys to get back.

(Miyoung and Nari make it back safe.)

Nari: We went really, really high up.

(Loves the thrill of heights)

Hayoon: I saw it, too you guys went up pretty high. It was fun!

Jihye: It looked fun!

(Interested again hearing it's fun!)

Miyoung: But you might not be able to ride.

Jihye; Why?

Miyoung: You have to go out pretty far.

Jihye; Ah... seasickness. Do you get seasick on the boat?

Nari: It was bearable but if you get seasick easily...

[BOOK I] BIG HIT's GIRLS 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔃Where stories live. Discover now