🔗ROSEniverse Ep. 6 "CRYSTAL Company Outing Day" #1
Miyoung • Jihye • Nari • Hayoon
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---- [ROSENIVERSE] [One fine day, CRYSTAL Company employees arrive at somewhere]
Miyoung: Open the gate!
(Hayoon almost tripping)
Nari: Are you okay?!
Miyoung: Intern, you take 10 steps back and follow us.
[Intern Jihye: Become a YouTube sensation while working from home. The CRYSTAL Company problem solvers] [Employees Nari: The world's most romantic senior, mysterious and surprising. Looks like the most normal but she might not be.] [Manager Hayoon: The one who never know what silent is. Got promoted quickly.] [Director Miyoung: CRYSTAL Company's most powerful girl! The most fashionable and trendsetter Director. Create the most problem in CRYSTAL Company]
Miyoung: How good is this place?
Hayoon: Of course director! Wow! Director! You're the best!
Miyoung: Hmm... the sun is kinda bright.
(Imagination umbrella)
Miyoung: Oh good job, good job.
[Knows how to please the boss]
Miyoung: Guys, I rented this whole place out. How do you like it? Isn't it great?
Jihye: What kind of company is this? How can it afford renting this place?
Miyoung: Lol, this is nothing.
Nari: Yeah, what does this company do?
Miyoung: We make CRYSTAL.
[Before shooting, choosing their positions. Decide to reverse their age. The youngest hold the highest position. Outing before going into a big project]
Miyoung: How good is this place? I come here for my holidays but I booked the whole place just for you guys.
Hayoon: Can we swim in there?
Miyoung: Of course you can.
[A cafe in Yangpyeong surrounded by nature. A place filled with beautiful accessories for the interior. Take a rest here girls. Welcome ROSEQUARTZ]