⌂ ROSEQUARTZ House Episode 7

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⌂ ROSEQUARTZ House Episode 7


(This is Hayoon's calling the cats to eat breakfast. No answer from Spot Gray Baby kitten family)

Hayoon: You guys! Come here and have some food!

Nari: Maybe they aren't coming because there's no food.

Hayoon: Yeah, maybe they only come when there's food. Do you think they're nearby?

Nari: Maybe they're next door.

Hayoon: Where does this open... Is it new...?

(Uh oh... Hayoon's in trouble)

Hayoon: What should I do! It's all over the floor! I should put it in here. Right? I thought it was new. I caused trouble... again!

(Spills... Everywhere. Impossible to clean up)

Hayoon: This is crazy! What are we going to do about the floor? Nari, we're dead!

Nari: We? What do you mean, we? You're dead! What do you mean, we!

(Picking up the cat food with all her strength)

Hayoon: This actually looks pretty good.

(Hayoon's even eyeing the cat food now?)

Hayoon: This looks good. I want to try some!

(Still no cat in sight)

Hayoon: You guys! What do I need to do to make them come? I need to temp them.

(Step 1: leave a trail of food)

Hayoon; Do you think they moved away? Because we didn't feed them?

Nari; Are they here?

Hayoon: They're not here, Nari.

Nari; Baby, let's eat!

(Step 2: call the kittens sweetly. Step 3: do the kitten dance?)

Miyoung; I don't think they're coming. I think they already left. Leave a video message for them saying farewell.

Hayoon: No! Don't leave! Come back here and have breakfast! Please come back soon...

(Not a quiet day at ROSEQUARTZ House)

Hayoon; It's my concert.

(News just in: Hayoon's mini concert huge success! Energizer Hayoon & Nari)

Jihye; What's that by your feet, Hayoon?

(Hayoon's animal massage sticks)

Miyoung: Can you hand that over?

Nari: Massage sticks!

Hayoon: We're all hyper today.

Jihye: What do you guys have planned for today?

Hayoon; What should we do?

Nari; I have plans.

Jihye; Really? You made plans by yourself? What are you going to do?

Nari: I'm really into making things these days. I'm going to learn from a professional.

Hayoon; Really?

Nari: I'll make something for you, too.

Miyoung; Really? Yes!

Nari; What are you guys going to do?

Hayoon; Us?

Miyoung: I want to go on trampolines!

Nari: You should go!

[BOOK I] BIG HIT's GIRLS 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔃Where stories live. Discover now