⌂ ROSEQUARTZ House Episode 6

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⌂ ROSEQUARTZ House Episode 6


(What are you guys doing?)

Nari: Come here! We look like Disney Princesses!

Miyoung: Let's move back.

(The girls are dressed up in pretty Hanbok!)

Miyoung: Let's try taking the picture.

(One more time because of Hayoon)

Miyoung: Let me take a look. Should we film the video now?

Jihye: Should we film the one for Mr. Bang first? What about our parents?

(New Year's greetings to family, Mr. Bang & CRYSTAL!)

Jihye: Two three!

ROSES: Be as One, hi! We're ROSEQUARTZ!

Jihye; We wish you all health and happiness for this year!

ROSES; Happy New Year!

Jihye: Let's go! Big New Year's bow

Miyoung; Love you!

Jihye; I love you Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister! Happy New Year!

Miyoung: The End!

(Happy New Year, Spot!)
(Comfy feet Jihye is really comfortable in Hanbok)

Miyoung: Something smells good.

(What are you guys doing in the kitchen?)

Nari; Something's boiling.

Miyoung; Rice cake and dumpling soup! Let's put it into bowls and put some garnish.

Nari; That's a big dumpling.

Miyoung; Dumplings! Big dumplings!

Nari; I'll give you two big dumplings!

Miyoung; Then I should put extra laver on yours?

Nari; Yes! I like laver. I think Hayoon likes scallions.

(Don't put too much. That's laver covering the bowl)

Nari; Isn't it supposed to look like this?

(The garnish keeps going to the wrong place)

Miyoung; It's looks good. Let's have some with kimchi!

Nari: Let's eat guys! Rice cake soup! Come on out!

Hayoon; It smells delicious!

Miyoung; I woke up early to make this guys!

Hayoon; It looks so good! I'm so excited!

ROSES; Thank you for this meal!

Nari: Let's hurry before it gets too soggy.

Jihye: We're eating with hanbok on!

(The taste? The girls are looking for dumplings as they eat...)

Nari; Dumplings! It's delicious! Kimchi!

Miyoung; It's pretty good

Nari: Hanbok is so pretty.

Hayoon: I felt the same way.

Nari: It's convenient to put on and...

Jihye; It's comfortable when we sit, too

Jihye; In Korea, when we eat rice cake soup we grow one year older. Are there similar traditions in other countries?

[BOOK I] BIG HIT's GIRLS 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔃Where stories live. Discover now