Chapter 1

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Don't mind me y'all, stayed up a while for this one. Only way I made it through was listening or music. God I love country music, when it's not being bad things, also it's like almost 3am so please don't get mad for any mistakes-

Hope you enjoy :]


Sabre walks out the other side of the portal and instantly looks around. The portal had disappeared, and it had sent him through lightning. This place looked familiar, but he couldn't recognize it completely. He turns around and facepalms. "Of course it looks familiar.."

He's standing at the abandoned library, though it doesn't seem abandoned anymore. The building is fixed up, no longer having holes in the walls or floors. Though he can't really see the floors, there's a door now. He hears voices, and they seem panicked. He's confused before he realizes it's because he appeared in a bunch of lightning. They hadn't seen him, but they heard it. They're probably worried he's hostile.

The door flings open and out come eight figures, which he assumes are steves. "Hey hey hey I come in peace!" He throws his hands up. "I mean you no harm, I swear." One of the steves gasps and runs up to hug him tightly. "Wha—"


He looks up to see the leaders, plus Light Steve. If the leaders are there, then who's hugging him? He looks down to see M staring up at him. "You're here.."

"You're short."

M hits his shoulder. "Light Steve said you disappeared though.." He backs away from Sabre. "How do we know it's actually you?"

Sabre groans dramatically. "Well how do I know you're actually you? I thought the Red Steves were supposed to be in hiding." He says.

"Well I chose to stop that." M crosses his arms. "Is it really you?"

"Duh, who else would I be?"

Light Steve rolls his eyes. "It's definitely him."

M hesitates for a moment then shakes his head. "Yeah who else would be as sassy as Sabre?" He holds his hand out. "Welcome back, friend."

Sabre ignores his hand and hugs him again. "I missed you all so much.."

"We missed you too Sabre."


A bit of time later, and Sabre had been reintroduced to the rest of the Steve Realm. Most were excited to see him, some were skeptical. They have their reasons to be, though, so nobody is mad at them for it really.

M hadn't really left Sabre's side much if at all. They haven't known each other as long as Sabre's known the others, but they're closer. Besides, M really missed Sabre. They kept each other sane. When Sabre had disappeared, M did what he thought was best.

Bringing the Red Steves back into society wasn't the worst idea he's had, but it was hard to do. They hadn't spoken to anyone in so long, or at all for some of the younger Red Steves, they were scared.

Moving on from that, a few months or so later, there've been many reportings from steves who claim to be seeing glitchy portals. Light Steve had decided to call a meeting to bring this up, as it sounded dangerous, or ominous at the least.


The leaders, plus Sabre and Light Steve are having a meeting. Light Steve called this meeting to mention the glitching portals being spotted across the Realm. As he speaks about it, Sabre interrupts him.

"So you're telling me there's a whole bunch of colorful glitchy portals that keep showing up everywhere?"

Light Steve nods. "The steves who brought them up to me haven't noticed anything but the portals, and none of them had gone missing or anything, so I don't think they pose a threat—"

Glitch Infection AU (RQ) [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now