Chapter 5

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Their first ingredients were cocoa beans. Pretty easy right? They could go to the old Green Kingdom to find them, that was in a jungle. They teleported there only to notice the whole village had burned to the ground. They looked around and the whole forest was practically gone. This wouldn't work.

They teleport out of that old, lost kingdom. They had gone back to the abandoned library. Sabre sits down on a rock and puts his face in his hands. "We need to find a jungle.." He groans. "Can't believe it has to be this harddddd." He's complaining.

Time Steve sighs and pats his back. "We'll find a jungle, Sabre. It'll just.. probably take a while."

M thinks for a moment. "We could ask the Green Steves? I mean, they've been in jungles, they could help us find one right?"

Sabre stands up abruptly. "Yes that's a great idea! Let's go, now." M shakes his head and they teleport to the Green Kingdom.

They're met with Green Leader, and he's confused seeing Yellow. "Wasn't he.."

Sabre nods. "Don't worry about that right now, would you happen to know if there's another jungle anywhere since the one y'all used to live in is.. kinda gone?" He speaks quickly, hoping to get this over with soon.

"I'm.. afraid I haven't.. why?"

Sabre groans loudly. "Because we need cocoa beansssss."

A Green Steve who had unintentionally overheard their conversation walks over to them. "I've.. seen a strange looking jungle." Everyone turns to him as he pulls out a piece of paper. "I have a map too—"

Sabre instantly stops being dramatic. "Really??"

"Yeah.." The Green Steve scratches the back of his neck. "I don't.. I'm not going with you though, the things in there are scary." He hands Sabre the map and walks away.

"That wasn't ominous at all." Cliff chuckles to himself. "I think we're in for an adventure."

Sabre looks down at the map. "Oh holy cheese that's a good map—"

Time takes the map from him. "It is." He scans it over. "I know where to go, I'm good at reading maps." He waves to the Green Leader and drags Sabre away. Everyone follows.

"Oh uh, okay?"


"Time, how do you know we're going the right wayyy?" Sabre groans. They've been walking for hours, and it was almost nighttime.

"Hush, I know what I'm doing." He looks down at the map for a moment. "Anyone see a desert?"

Cliff hums. "Right in front of us."

Time Steve's head shoots up and sure enough, there's a desert in front of them. "Try not to go delusional, we're going through it."

"Oh you have got to be kidding me, I'm in my armor Time!" Happy complains.

"Get used to it we need to go this way."

"Who would have thought a clock would be taking us through a desert?"

Time just sighs at this comment. "If any of you see a temple or something let me know, if I see it first I'll point it out."


They had been walking for another hour or so before they saw it. Happy's the one who points it out. They take shelter inside, it's a bit cold and it's very dark out. This was a good find in all honesty.

They go to put their stuff down and they hear an ominous noise. "What was that..?" Happy asks slowly.

Sabre and Cliff look at each other. "Guys, slowly back out of the temple." He looks to them. "Now!" He whisper yells, looking back to where they heard the noise. Everyone backs away but doesn't really leave the building, confused why Sabre's so paranoid.

Sure enough, a long rope-like creature slithers out from behind the pillar. "Everyone get out right now." Sabre backs away slowly, and the creature makes that same noise again. This time, they know how.

Cliff pushes everyone out of the temple, and Sabre follows. "Sabre what was that?!"

Sabre pushes them farther away from the temple. "That was a rattlesnake. They're from my other worlds and I have no idea how it got here." He looks back to the temple and the snake is making it's way out. "Okay we gotta run like right now." He books it past his friends, and they follow him.


"Sabre stop running!" Cliff grabs his arm and stops him. "We're not in the desert anymore and I doubt that nope rope followed us, okay?"

Sabre nods. "I just really don't want to be bitten by one of those things right now dad."

"Well I wouldn't either, if it did bite you I'd lose you kiddo."

Time Steve walks over and points behind Sabre. "You've brought us right to our next stop."

Sabre turns and is looking at a small cabin, or house. "Woah— wait next stop? This was on that map?!"

Time nods. "Yup. It doesn't look abandoned, and I doubt there's anything in there unless there's more creepy creatures like that.. rattlesnake?"

Sabre laughs a bit. "Yeah, unless there's spiders in there from my world." He and Cliff shudder.

"Let's hope not."

They walk into the cabin, noticing it's practically abandoned. Someone was here recently though, there's no holes or anything yet that they can see. There's things in chests and furnaces around the place. There's beds too. They decide they'll stay the night here.

Sabre goes around checking the chests for anything useful, and finds a compass. "Guys?" He walks back over to the group. "I found a compass, but it's shiny."

Time Steve grabs it. "I've seen things like this before." He states. "I believe it's called a Lodestone Compass." He turns it over in his hands. "It points you in the direction of something potentially dangerous, or rare. Could be useful."

Sabre smiles. "That's good then, we can follow it once we get these cocoa beans, yeah?" Time nods. "Alright then, how about we go to sleep? I'm beat." He dramatically falls onto one of the many beds, and sighs. "Goodbye nighttime." He closes his eyes and falls asleep almost instantly.


Sabre wakes up to someone screaming. "What was—" He shoots up and out of the bed, everyone else doing the same.

Cliff runs down the stairs. "Okay, listen, I'm fine this little guy just scared the heck outta me." There's a tiny blue creature hovering over his head.

"What is that?!"

"I don't know but it's so cute!" Cliff holds his hands out and the creature lays in his palm. "Look at it!" Suddenly there's lightning outside. "Uh oh.." The creature jumps up and hides behind Cliff.

The door is thrown off it's hinges, and the group gets into fighting stances. There's an infected standing at their only exit, and they look mad.

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